Show 1 25 TO PROVO VIA I SALT LAKE ROUTE I. I lu Tuesday la Sept 2 2 Salt aIt Lake Opera com company pan excursion Special train leaves Jean s Salt Lake Lako OO O p.m. p.m. p. p m. m Returning after performance Phone our a agent for tor particulars EXCURSION TO PROVO TUESDAY Y SEPT 25 I. I Round Trip Fril Salt alt Lal Lake c Route Houte Special train leaves salt Sail Lake Laico p p.m. p. p m. m Returning after performance Everybody E welcome McConahay McConaha Jeweler 54 Main St. St I SALT LAKE ROUTE HOUTE EXCURSIONS S. S Autumn u Outings s Via Utah's s Mo l Popular I load Mexico l CI City and return Th j tour of old Mexico affords the grandest grand grand- est autumn trip to lo bo be found on the Iho American continent San Francisco Los An Angeles es and Intermediate pointy Joint only 25 Short line quick connect connect- Utah's finest trains Los Angeles An An- geles and return only 30 Special sale sub ao dates Sept 4 to 1 11 t. t Positively oly tho the last Jast 30 excursion of or the season to glorious Southern California Low rates for Cor settlers to points In Southern Utah Ulah miners excursions to lo Nevada points and lowest rates all the time to all southern California points Follow tho the crowd crowll to the tho ticket South Main street I nit DR lS Dental Office GOO Scott Building I 68 Main I rB ERCES ERCE'S FAVOR FOR WOMEN t I I STUTTERING AND ANDST ST CURED CORED Positive guarantor g in worst cases casc Send for fur Information UTAH SCHOOL FOR I i iI I WILLIAM VILLIAM E F. A ETT Director I PROVO UTAH I SALT LAKE TRANSFER CO W. W Second South A. A Sun SInH Mgr I I Pon 2 2 3 I One Hundred Bright New v and Beautiful WOOD MANTELS Just Being Unloaded Our IlIF Radiant Is working a Grate Revolution Revolution tion in domestic comfort in Salt Lake City f 0 Elias Morris MOiS Sons Co 27 21 W. W So Temple St. St T It is a pl aure to put hi honest dollars mrs i into our jUt t We Vc nr arr doing what hat amounts lo to practically the same thing by sellIng selling sell sell- ing at a less than usual price We re have a full line of Ranges flanges and Heaters that lire world beaters Coil Call and let us explain their points of economy and you will vilI bo ho convinced Trade with your friends NEBRASKA FURNITURE CO 62 East Second South Street H. H 1 SMITH Jr Sec bee ami C. C K J. DAVEY Manager Denver Colorado Springs S Pueblo 7 ll LIMIT OCTOBER STOP OVERS viI Via The Worlds World's Scenic Railroad d OBSERVATION PULLMAN SLEEPER-DINING SLEEPER CAR Ticket Office 77 West Second South e TYPEWRITER TYPE V RITER 4 USERS 99 11 i i on Have you seen the NEW REMINGTON MODELS Have you tried the New REMINGTON ESCAPEMENT If not then you have hav yet to know the latest and greatest greatest greatest great great- est improvement of the writing machine The New Remington Rem Rem- ington Models make easier work and do better work and More Work More Work than any typewriter has ever done before I REMINGTON TYPE TYPEWRITER COMPANY 1 i 1 2 S. S W. W V. V Street Suit Salt LaKo Cit City L 1 nr UL J J 1 1 If r. r U THE DOCTORS WHO CURE Catarrh an and ami at au aU ous Chronic and Private DI DIseases Women V and f. f h I 11 r of r AA MM vv ot oC Men o v fl every ry name 11 and n nature b by tIo tho latest anti most ad- ad vanceil sI sd hods Over O ease L R treated in Ibe past fifteen j years cars Drs Shores ShortS Shor Shores Shores' H Wonderful V NE EW ngA for tor Dearness r Ca- Ca tarrit tanh rh Asthma lIu Hay Fever and Lun Lung troubled hM i is tile 1 the lie Rae age It cures Is safe RaCo anti certain If DIscovery cr or fourth the lie time d Ider the In tenth one to one one- lence In all forms Corms or of Chronic tild methods Du Dr Shore Vast Vt exp rl- rl 1 Private P to cure many called so-called Incurables Of others hers mu them bern or of the Services or of reliable Consult Drs It if you oU are nrc In need nt at once Prices and aud terms erm are arc within ht reach raeh ot of all or I for a Cure In all Catarrhal One dollar a free rree Consultation nn and advice ud free Croe to all Call ChroniC or write DIseases medicines 1 A A. SPECIAL EN r FOR MEN IEN J Drs Dr Shorn Shores h have ve I a Department cure Cluro ot of eli aU vely for tor th tho treatment diseases es or of Men Whether and ad ent by Contagion You ou may consult Du Drs hora or In Ing private troubles s with the tue assurance Durance that about th tho mot most delicate or r o I and CONFIDENTIAL treatment Young and men inca everything who h eve will been beca be you vou h lid STRICTLY will Astray bo be Kh given PRIVATE PRIVAT n advie AND ae men who wo have hn honG gone to by bad blA k old excuses i. i m men who vigor r nn flud their DIt- DIt A. A J. J gon gone vho ho contracted l. l Fol victim on aU all othen v of ot Blood Bood who ne need the tho counteR anc and aid y are cor Invited or of experienced An and kindy kind kind- HOME a CURES BY MAIL advised to consult FREE thu and be 1 Ol 01 CHARGE iU YOU TOU LIVE PJ 0 OUT UT 0 Or OD Jr TOWN So sure ure Is Ia the CUre un Under er Dna I SHOHI-S' SHOHI W Drs Bra Shores Shore k Shores In nil all private MODERN diseases lu METHODS that ou 1 WRITE RI ii T I E tom tout for tor list their and ne new ret get et limp limp- their may euro Cure arrange In email to pay the tho fee for tor you a n I d free tree weekly or monthly I as the euro cure pro pro- r- r or you TOU ou may PAT PAY WI WHEN EN 7 WEAK c CURED A MEN No o matter muter what your our trouble li Ii or who has failed to So CAlled Weakness In men Is I merely cute cure ur yoU ou consult tho Matter Master a a. of ot inflammation In tn Specialists Specialist free tree 0 of charge and the gland brought on b by early I learn Arn how you OU CAn yet et bo bu cured dissipation or at by th th Improper tr treatment CALl CALI on WRITE of ot Home contracted dl disease Dlo A A. complete completo and radical cure I. I Is therefore a l question Drs rs S Shores ores Shores r. r h of or restoring the prostate to Its iti u J or s 1 normal state and nd this we accomplish promptly anc and completely complete without the u. u u. u EXPERT SPECIALISTS of or Internal remedies Our treatment Is a Houston Block TO Main SU St op- op local ocal posit one entirely ly It Is ii ordinal and Store scientific and ba has been proved absolutely SALT LAKE CITY effective e by thousands of ot tests We Yo ar are an convinced COn that b by no other methods can Ollic Hours week Ve Week days as a's a. a a. a m. m full tull and perm n Dt rest restoration ot of Bon to 6 G p. p m m. Ev Evenings 7 1 to S I p P. P m m. strength and vl vigor or be accomplished 12 Sundays Sunday ay and hoU holiday y 10 io a. a m Si m. m To to noon DR 0 w s |