Show When V au u Ride In ID the Observation Car You See all ail that Is to be Seen When hen You Place Your Ad in the Want Vant Columns of the he Republican EVERYBODY EVER SEES I IT r FLO III ST ST. RICHARD E. E EVANS MAIN tAIN ST. ST I both bolh phones GI 1 Rca neB Hj 1472 Indiana ave FOR POH SAMS SEE HEAL nEl J L A A. A H H. H CUTRIGHT OUTRIGHT t t. t Hero isa Ia list of the last lal of or bor ber bel snaps 1500 1300 for Cor 15 i 6 b by 20 o close In iz Ii S l C G 10 brick S. S E. E 1 on terms terms f I 1750 4 t r I frame S. S E. E on terms terms 1000 5 F. F t tI Waterloo on terms i I I S yr 0 U 4 concrete S S. S S E. E on terms terms soo 00 IU 7 7 brick S. S E. E on terms term f f. yoo OO 3 frame S. S S E. E on terms erms k 9 9 J brick on Cnn Canyon on 1011 road S 1750 U S l m. m brick on OI c Canyon n on rd nl mod JI oo t-l t G m. m frame S. S E. E on terms ms 21 no 5 G brick brik S. S S B. B S 1500 l 1 oo 01 I n frame S. S E. E E on terms terms For exchange good cl city property for Cor small farms CUlms or small farms for COl or exchange for oi city property Good Goo mining stock stoel pI pr sale or cx- cx L change v vA r A AI A. H H. H CUTRIGHT OUTRIGHT Room 1 12 Eagle Basic Block UNION RE REAL REL L ESTATE BUILDING l It wl you to cc UI Installment n I plan G W. W Second South South LIST YOUR PROPERTY RY WITH U US We Ve do 0 the rest reeL Cannon Cannon 18 IS E E. e South Tempo Temple TempI St. St St nANCI REAL HEL ESTATE AND INvestment IN- IN 0 vc vestment Co can fit you OU out with wih al anything any an thing In the real estate line SuIte Bulte 23 2 lne Bute D. D I F. F Walker block block A BARGAIN DARGAIN 2 nODS RODS BEST lET building lot lol In the city Buy Duy direct from owner no commission P. P O. O box 1416 A ANCHOR REALTY CO ROOM ROOn 11 1 Eagle blk Homes on easy payments MARTINEAU AND CLARK CLRK Real Ral Estate and Stocks If It I you want ant tho earth see fee u us I nd 35 Herald block Both Doth phones MARIGER MAnIGER NO 40 4 E. E SD SO WILL I cell pel your our prop property not long Ions to wait wal HOARD AND I ROOM nOO ROOM ROOI AND AO BOARD FOR GENTLE GENTLE- men I Good Gool home hOle cooking Also table board E. E So Temple Templo SL St St I f WANTED It k WE VE BUY DUY ALL KINDS I OS OF 01 SECOND SECOND- Dr D- D r hand furniture carpets carpels stoves and range range- anti and ant Nt ullon alson Kl 21 1 State sL T 10 GIU GIRLS S 16 YEARS yg OF AGE OC OR over no experience necessary Amen Amerl- can Linen Supply 13 West elt I liat t So MEN IEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN LEAN BARber BAno BAR BAn o ber trade wages waGes while learning situations situations situa situa- I furnished College 62 East Eat First South st st. st I c ALL KINDS OF SECONDHAND SECOND FUR FUR- Star Furniture Co 35 So State Stale I st. st lt Bell Del S-K S I HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FOn HIDES pelts scrap iron old rubbers rags rae bot- bot I tics UCH copper brass etc de Utah Junk Co i teN 3 E. E Eighth South Tel Tel m Hiram K E. Booth E. E O. O L Lee Le e. e BOOTH AND LEE Attorneys and Counselors Auerbach Dd Telephone 47 I Benjamin L. L Rich Atty f. f Notary Public OPTICIANS ALEXANDER ALXANDER O OPTICAL CO ANY lens duplicated 2 1 I 2 Atlas Atas block block C. C OSTEOPATHY GAMBLE GAMBLE OSTEOPATHS 2 43 2 Constitution Phone k 43 MRS GRACE STRATTON path Phone Boll Bell Dol 2523 22 M. M DOWELL OSTEOPATH 12 51 12 Strevell Scott Sot phones phone 17 k k res I II I FOR FOlt SALE SALE SALE MISCELLANEOUS E US I FLY SHUTTLE IRON FRAME PAR PAR- rAn rAn-I net weaving loom complete 3 35 J J. J V W Craven Box Dox D Provo Pro o. SECOND-HAND SECOND RAILS nAIL AND PIPES I for tor or sale alc Utah Junk Co CJ 3 East st EI Eighth I South Tel 2 GOOD CORN COnN HUSKS FOR FOn TA TAMAL- TAMAL I les 1400 HI S S- S East In Ind md phone HELP JELP WANTED WANTED MALE LE I DU BRIGHT G I OFFICE BOY nOy MUST IA HAVE YE wheel Apply Republican office I CA CARRIERS FOR HORSE ROUTES HOlTES App y at ut once Republican office 15 GOOD BOYS APPLY AT O ONCE CE J. J G. G McDonald Candy Co lW W. W 3rd So LIVE ENERGETIC TRUSTWORTHY men to represent Mountain Inter-Mountain lican ican Apply Circulation Dept DeIt between 10 to and 11 1 a. a m. m 1 HELP I El FEMALE rl street A GOOD GOOI GOOI WASHERWOMAN N AT 17 C GIRLS GIRIS WANTED IMMEDIATELY Z C. C M. M I. I Overall O Factory Liberal wages for COl orera operators tors ARCHITECTS CS j F. F FM M. M UL ULMER IEH l DOOLY BUILDING Salt Lako Lake City Utah Ind md phone M. M t ASS ASSAYERS CRISMON AND NICHOLS ASSAYers ASSAY ASSAY- ers era and chemists So Vest West Temple ASSAY I J J. A Assayer ner 46 6 Richards at et st HAlt flAH STOHl V OFF i I CIS FIXTURES WM EA A. A HARRIS JL SPECIAL CABINET work work W. W So Temple Phones 36 36 SELLING NG SELLING nt ALL KINDS SECOND-HAND SECOND CLOTH CLOTH- ng Ing trunks trunk valises best prices paid 28 2 Corn Com om st. st Send Semi postal card car phone K K 3 CARPENTER AND JOINER A. A I. I L. L 1 HAMLIN REAR nEAn S. S MAIN MAN Ind lad phone 1121 1421 residence 73 E. E N. N RACE REAR nEAR 23 W. W SECOND South Ind md 61 6 CLEANING CARPETS AND RUGS CALLED FOR FORand FORand FORand and delivered Like new National House Cleaning Co Both Bolh phones HOUSE CLEANING 01 OF ALL AL KINDS KINDS WINDOWS WINDOWS WOODWORK ETC cru scrubbing b hi bl n a g. g G. G WALL PAPER WAXED FLOORS RUGS HUGS CLEANED BY TIlE THE TiE MONTH National House Cleaning Co 59 E. E 1st let So SQ St. St CLEANING AND DYEING UTAH STEAM DYE WORKS c n E E. Third South Telephone lY CLEANING AND I Nl PRESSING I CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED SI S. S 25 mo Work Vork called calet delivered Tern Tern- Ter picton Cleaning I 10 E C 2 So both phones COAL ANI AX KINDLING A. A L L. Halsel 1 E. E 3rd So Bell Bel y 2497 9 2 FOUNDRY A AND STOVE REPAIRS G. G I D. D LOVETT LOVET ALL MAKES REpaired RE RE- paired Foundry 44 H N. N Seventh West phone 2301 K I Where Men Get Cured This well wel known n kno and reliable curative Institution institution I tho the COOK MEDICAL L CO Is a a permanent t fixture of oC Salt Sl Lake City It I has haa stood the tho test of oC time timo and will vIll wi continue to stand aland as a a. a Mecca of ot hope for or afflicted m men men n hereabouts From time to tine time It has been remodeled In all ni Its Is departments I which are thoroughly equipped with wih every scientific eden eden- I tub tte Instrument apparatus and device essential to I our modern methods methode o of specialty practice Its Is financial responsibility Is as aa solid sold aa ns gold sold while tho the treatment it administers as legions of ot Its Is IsI cured patients patents know is skillful scientific and suc suc- I We Ve Invite all al afflicted men who really desire de- de sire a cure to lo Inspect our offices and to honestly Investigate In u ml A private consultation a careful personal examination to eth with wih a scientific W. W A. A COOK BL M. D. D OOK lL and honest opinion of ot your our case win wl cost you ou Founder of ot the tho nothing arid and a perfect cure If Ir you decide to tuko tako l Cook Medical Co It It will WIl not nol be more than you will 1 be willing to lo Cok e pay hay for Cor or tho the benefits conferred 1 We Yle treat and cure by the latest and best methods known to medical science STRICTURE SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON VITAL NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY BLADDER and KIDNEY troubles and all al associate diseases diseases diso dis dis- dis- dis l o eases cases and reflex complications r CONSULTATION TATION FREE CONFIDENTIAL AND INVITED A per- per searching examination Is required thou though though h If I thorOugh thorough and description ot of your I rouble hours 9 full hour lent m. m to to to S call cal p p. p write ni m. except me a a tul Sundays from 9 to 13 Address or call cal a COOK MEDICAL CO 2 S. S Main 4 I DETECTIVE AGg AGENCIES CIE PETERSEN'S DETECTIVE SERVICE Co Ve c We are arc now located hero permanently per per- and are aro prepared to undertake undertake under under- take tako all nl proper detective business entrusted entrusted en- en trusted to us by ly corporations null and Jn- Jn n- n 11 Can take talc up work on short shOt notice and can cn furnish references es and give ive bond In cases where It il Is required Shadowing and securing of oC evidence a specialty specially Wo We 0 also ulso work vork on divorce cases We c can furnish any number o of detectives you OU may want We c have havo men with wih years ears of oC experience In this line Une of or work Come and tell tel us your trouble Open da day antI and nl night hL Consultation Consultation Consul Consul- tation and advice al free We e operate ever everywhere where Both Doth phones hone Independent dent lent lIeu Bell 1316 Offices S 3 D F. F 1 Walker Salt Sal Lake City Utah HAT FACTORY UTAH UTA I HAT T FACTORY REMOVED to 37 3 Eagle Block Doek annex Phone 13 1354 Y HOME COOKING GOOD HO HOME IE COOKED FOOD SERve SERved SER- SER veil ved ve from 7 a. a m. m till UI 9 p. p m. m 18 W W. 3rd So ICE CHEAM CHEA THE KEELEY CO CO PURE ICE cream and sherbets prompt delivery delvery 26 Richards st st. Both phones 32 KEY I EY FITTING W. W F F. MAIN 31 SO W. W TE TEMPLE THE STAR NOVELTY AND REPAIR AIR Works 12 W. W Second SouthLAWN South LA LAWN LAN N MOWERS MO IO I S SHARPENED KNUDSENS KNUDSEN'S NOVELTY MFG CO bicycles gun repairing keys keya fitted Phone 33 10 E. E 2nd So LOANS I TIlE THE TIE STRINGER CO 70 W. W SECOND So Oldest company compan in Utah Utan Utah Loan Lan on I nn any property You ou retain possession I. I LOST BETWEEN I N STATE SAE AND ANI WB WEST T r TEM TEM- I- I Ih I s I several l checks amounting to lo about w. w G endorsed by William Banks Hanks ha e stopped payment Return to Anderson Tailor Talol Co Jj 1 West cst South Temple rumple and receive reward SILVER lIt R WATCH A AN AND D CHAI CHAIN O ON Center Cc street Finder return to Republican lican office and receive reward A C CONN N SLIDE TROMBONE REturn REturn RE- RE turn 2 South Eighth East Reward O ONE E BLACK IRISH IRIS SETTER DOG answers to the name of oC Toots Tools owners owner's name on collar Return to lo owner and colar ant receive reward J. J A. A Monroe Canyon Canyon LOST BAG nAG LOS G 0 OF 01 F STER C ItS It'S TOOLS TOOTS In Eleventh Ele l East ast street between Third and Fourth roUth South Thursday evening Return to lo 39 3 9 Eleventh East Kast Reward MACIl MACHINIST INIST JOB JOn WORK A SPECIALTY INVENtiOns Lions lons perfected drafting pattern making mak ing Small Smal Ct castings s In brass and iron E. E Rosen wall r. r N. N W. W Ind md ant MIDWIFE MRS LIZZIE GEISLER W. W 3rd North private home for tor confinement cases Bell Del phone Gl 1 MRS IRS A A. M. M OLSEN'S MATERNITY Home 6 E. E Eighth South Bell phone No o 2691 2631 PASTURAGE STUnA I FOR JOI HORSES FINE FEED AND walt walt-r. Ill Big HIS Cottonwood Apply 28 W. W South PRINTING lG STAR STAll PRINTING CO BOOK DOOK AND Job Jol printing book binding and paper poper ruling 3 State Stale st et st Telephone HI- HI Y PACKAGE DELIVERY PACKAGES PACKAGE DELIVERED D ALL PARTS of ot the city by special messengers Merchants Merchants' Special Del Del Phones Dell Bell Del 43 Ind G. G tAINTING PAINTING AND ANI PAPER HANGING BATT DATT AND lLO BLOMGREN IGnE I LEAD AD AND oil 01 pain paints ts Bell el Y 12 12 Y Ind md 9 33 3 So W W. T. T PERSONAL l I DR CECELIA CECELIA GUSTAF OF Ol STOCKholm STOCK STOCK- SOCK SOCK- holm Sweden medium can cn be ie consulted on all al atTain atTalis s of lt f life Has las a awon won wonderful erCul power has hus r people ever since Mince she was wan WIK wasI 4 I years old her ber predictions onH are ore reliable Studied In Bombay Bomba India Room 13 COI Constitution tt tOI hl SOA SCAVENGER CITY CO fO 1 1155 So 2nd East Eist Phones Bell Hel Y Ind md CITY SCAVENGER E. E So Phones Bell Del 23 Z 2346 Z Z C-Z Ind md Inc 87 SHOES SHOE FOR FOIl FOI DEFORMED FEET F I SOLID SOUD COMFORT FOR TIlE THE HA HARD RD to fit t. t Special cast made Scientific shoe ahoo making Gus P. P Olsen Olum 11 a 5 State tat SPIRITUALISTS CEC CECELIA IA GUSTAF WILL GIVE ILlustrated IL- IL II lectures tures on occult science and soul traveling Tuesday and ant Friday evenings lOe Dark circle circe Sunday Sunda night c cX 43 X Constitution building TA TAILORS I. I 0 IS II H. I. I F. F CLARK 16 W. W SO TEMPLE TEMPLE N. N P. P ANDERSON 21 E. E S SO TEMPLE st. st Low prices good work Bell Ball 2 2223 WALLPAPER Wl CLEANING G I NATI NATIONAL AL HOUSE CLEANING CO i I 59 East l-ast l 1st let So ct at both phones KAPLAN HOUSE CLEANING r-Q r 0 0 Rooms 1 Jl up satisfaction guaranteed 61 Main both phones tIA l. 1666 WELL DRIVING nHI I W WE ELI EL WE DR DRIVE I lyE V I WELTS I ITS I In ol nil all parts of ot the tl city Morgan un Co i JOS os West est Raxton ave JI WHERE ln TO 0 STOP SlOP I TilE THE TIl- TIl EMPIRE nOO ROOMING HOUSE furnished has bath newly rooms room on southeast t corner of or South Temple and 1st West lt as os you ou come from Crom O. O S. S S ant L I. I L depot Rates Rales from 2 per week up Call Calland Cal I and see sec us i MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY AY UTAH COLORADO-UTAH SHORT LINE TO- TO I LOUIS Through car cr cr Salt St Lake City to St. St Louis Luis ami and Kansas Kam City Only one change o to New York Buffalo u alo and amI principal i East low Et-low Eat low rates rate for Hummer summer traveL Especial attention to Indies and nd children Tourists Tourists' Sleepers through h to Boston and HII other points with out change Two trains dolly daly Enquire at nt ticket office oC Any Information cheerfully given chen H. H I. I O. O TOWNSEND General Gner Manager and Tok Ticket Agent St. St Ln Loola I The Oldest Odest ud d ad Largest Let R. R G. G DUN CO GEORGE RUST General Manager Iana er Utah Idaho Wyoming and N Nevil Offices In Progress Building Bait sI S Lake Ike Ik City j t t I d 1 i r a 1 |