Show TO State Stale En Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Lake ke City Utah Ulah Sept 13 I 1906 1 Notice Is hereby given that L. L L L. L L Nunn Noun whose postoffice address Is hs Provo Provo Provo Pro- Pro vo Ulah has inns made application In accordance ac uc- with wih tIne the of ot Chapter Io lOS S Session Laws of oC Utah I 1905 to appropriate six hundred and fifty Gj cubic feet Ceet per second of or water from Crom the tine Jordan river Salt Lake county coun coun- count county t ty Utah Said water will vill wil be pumped from Crom Utah lake at al a n point from Crom which the Iho northwest corner of or section 25 2 township 5 south range 1 west Salt Sal Lake Lako base basc and meridian hears bears north inert 45 degrees west est 72 feet Ceet distant from fron where it will ivill wil be lie conveyed to lo a i from frum which tine south sruth corne of or r 21 21 I. I township 5 south Kouth range rang 1 west Salt Sui Lako L. base and ald meridian bears Leurs north 22 Zo le degrees 10 JO minutes cas east elst r feet distant and und there discharged e into the Jordan river from frol point It will wi be ho allowed to lo now hose In the tho natural natural nat mint ural oral channel of or said sull stream to a point from which the thc southwest corner cornel of lot 3 section IK 26 township I 1 1 south ran range 1 west est Salt Si Lake Lake base basc mod and meridian bears beurs north 81 7 degrees west 2010 feet feel distant Said Sall water will wi be diverted train from the point last above e abo described and b of oC and pipe pipeline conveyed by means a 1 line lino Ino for a u of oC 13 feet Ceet and j menu used USei to develop clop le power for Cor tine the purpose of or electric lighting heating arid and mil propelling machinery at nt arlou various cities HIcK and towns In un Utah After having hay hav ing lug been so 80 diverted dl and ond used usel the waLer water wa wn- ler ter will wi 1 be returned to the natural channel of oC said sall stream at n a point from Crom rota which time the north quarter corner conner of or section sec sac tion tiomi 15 township 4 south range l 1 west ivest Salt Sail Sai Lake baso hase mid and meridian bears north 21 degree degrees 5 50 r minutes wc west vest t 3 II ret feet distant distant This Is in Iii time the State Engineers Engineer's Office as No 90 02 Alt All Al protests against tine thc granting ol of said sall application stating staling the lie reasons ther or must be le ma made e b by aC affidavit lt a In duplicate and anti filed In un this office oCco within thirty 30 3 days tays after arel the completion of ot the publication of or this thus notice CALEB TANN TANNER R. R State Stale Engineer Date of ot first publication Sept 17 Date Dale of oC completion of oC publication Oct 17 |