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Show DRAG WOMAN INTO PARK AND ROB HER Three Highwaymen Represent Themselves Them-selves as Park Policemen and Accost Stranger. Representing themselves as park policemen, po-licemen, threo men held up and robbed Mrs. M, E. Mohr shortly after midnight mid-night this morning. Tho men accosted Mrs. Mohr on Third South street near Pioneer park as she was going to tho Dcnvor & Hio Grando. depot io moot a fricud coming in on a late train. At first the men said thoy wcro arresting ar-resting her for being on tho street at a lato hour, and insisted that sho put up "bail" at once to securo hor re-lease. re-lease. She refused and insisted upon being- taken to the polico station. One of the men then grabbed hor by tho throat and with tho aid of tho others dragged her into tho park whoro thoy robbed her of $155 in money, a gold wedding ring, an amethyst solitaire ring, a pair of pearl ear-rings and two I pawn tickets. She was detained in tho park for more than an hour by tho men, who choked her every time sho attempted to make an outcry. When released sho made her way to tho polico station and furnished an excellent description of hor nssailauts, Mrs. Mohr is a trained nurse bv profession, pro-fession, and is a stranger in Snlt'Lako, having recently arrived from Chicago. Sho has been staying at the Rox hotel. |