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Show J. E. COULT TO BE GIVEN A BENEFIT Entertainment Will Bo Hold This Evening Even-ing in tho Thirty-first Ward HalL An entertainment fnr l.lm wnfif r.f 1. B. Coult, a plasterer of tho firm of Brain & Coult, who recently lost a leg in a railroad accident at Castle Gato, Utah, will be given at 8:15 o'clock this evening iu the amusement hall of tho Thirty-first ward, on Ninth East street between Ninth and Tcntli South streets. Ihe atTair is iu chargo of tho Lc Grand ward amusement committee and the programmo will bo as follows: Tenor solo Hyrum Olsen .Aiuslc. Johnson and Burrows Harry Brain in his own original specialty. "DECEPTION," A one-act farce. John Early, ihe wanderer. . Ernest Wright Dennis Duffy, an Irish servant , W. B. Martin John Early, Esq., who came too late.. ,, Harold Ansell Mr. Morrlman, a rich, eccentric New Yorker Hoy Williams Mrs. MerrJman, a model mother. . . . -.:; Edith Acomb Carrlo, tho daughter Edith Gcssei Miss Anna Seaquist, Sweet singer, in her own sweet way. Dancing -Mary Stewart William Holmes. Robert Richardson, Illuminated club swinging. Movies. Voluntary contributions will be received at the door. |