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Show SENATE CONTINUES SUFFRAGE DEBUTE Vardaman of Mississippi Favorable Fa-vorable if South Is Allowed to Eliminate the Negro. WASHINGTON". Mnrch 5. Debate on woman suffrage continued in the senate today without the expected final vote on the proposed constitutional constitution-al amendment being reached. .Many senators were missing from their seats and lack of a quorum prevented a voto on an amendment to the pending resolution reso-lution submitted by Senator Vardaman. Varda-man. "Our women," the Mississippi senator sen-ator had declared, "will not go to the polls to vote in competition with a race congenital!-, eternally, racially, unalterably unfit to perform the supreme su-preme functions of citizenship.' ' Ho said ho would support tho resolution resolu-tion if congress repealed the fifteenth amendment and modified the fourteenth four-teenth amendment, and to this end he offered his amendment to the resolution. resolu-tion. As amended tho resolution would provido for woman suffrage in all the states, but in all other respects the right of citizons to voto would be left to the states in which thoy reside. Senator Pomerenc of Ohio told tho senate that although he had voted for woman suffrage in his state, ho was opposed to a federal constitutional amendment that would force equal suffrage suf-frage on states opposed to it. The fact that onlv 2 per cent of tho women had exercised tho school franchise in Ohio, he added, was evidence that they did not want the ballot, in his state. Senator Works of California said ho disliked a constitutional amendment for tho same reasons, but was so car nestly in favor of woman suffrage that he would'voto for it. |