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Show CiTY NOW OFFERS Bouinra flies Board of Health Will Join in Making a "Flyleas Summer" Sum-mer" in Salt Lake. Save all the flies you can get. Dead or alive, they now have a market value of 1 mill each, or 30 cents a hundred. This is tho price tho city board of health will pay for the household pest from now until Juno 15. Then the market price will drop to 15 cents a pint. A decision to this effect was reached by the board yesterda3r, subject sub-ject to tho approval ot the city commission. com-mission. Tho board uiado tho arrangement arrange-ment after a .consultation with the Commercial club sanitation committee on the proposed fly campaign. Dr. Samuel G. Paul, health commissioner, commis-sioner, explained that very fly caught during the early part of tho year means the elimination of about a million mil-lion prospective progeny. Hence the high bounty from March to the middle of Juuo. The board of health and the sanitation committee hope to make the summer of 1P14 a "flvless sum-mor" sum-mor" in Salt Lake. The "board has ! .$.1200 available for bounty raonej' on pestiferous creatures. A b'ounty of 10 cents each is offered on rats. A booklet will bo prepared immediately immedi-ately by the Commercial club and be distributed among the school children of tho city. Tt will givo instructions on tho best known methods for the capture of flics, as practiced in eastern east-ern cities where flydcstroying campaigns cam-paigns have been successfully conducted. con-ducted. The co-operation of tho school children will be sought in the fly campaign. cam-paign. A committee has been delegated to visit tho business houses of the city and ask them to offer prizes to the school children who bring in health department de-partment certificates for the highest number of flies ldlled at the end of tho campaign. These merchants will also be urged to got in a supply of the best typos of fly traps and display them prominently in their windows. |