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Show BRYAN'S TRIP. Secretary of State Pry an has accepted ac-cepted the. invitation of the govern-J mcnt of Chile and. will attcud tlib meeting meet-ing of tho fifth, Pan-American conference confer-ence at Santiago next September. It is Secretary Bryan's purpose" to -visit the leading countries on both coasts of South America for the purpose of cementing ce-menting tho bonds of friendship already formed. Tho immediate predecessors o Secretary Secre-tary Bryan, Itoot and Kuor, also visited vis-ited South America and accomplished a great deal of good by coming in contact con-tact with leading citizens of the various countries. Mr. .Boot mado many speeches during his trip and. is given ' credit for strengthening the tics that; bind tho southern republics to the United States. "While the foreign policy of this country has been changed since the advent ad-vent of the ."Wilson administration, it is fair to presume that tho vibit of Secretary Bryan will likewise redound to tho advantago of this country. Tho interests of North and South America arc identical in many Tcspccts. Now that thu Panama canal is about to bo opened to the commerce of the world wo shall bo brought into closer contact with our neighbors on the west coast, j It is eminently right and proper that steps be taken to prevent anything like I discord- or working at cross purposes commercially. There is a vast field for enterprise in the more advanced South Amorican republics, Brazil, Argentina, Ohilo and Peru. Tho Panama canal means as much to thorn as it does to tho United States. So let us indulge in tho hope that there will bo no jealousy or friction fric-tion and that Secretary Bryan's mission mis-sion will bo successful. |