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Show I AMUSEMENTS ORPHEUM Vaudeville. Performance every afternoon and evening. UTAH Willard Mack and Marjorlo Rambcau in "The Open Range." Tonight and tomorrow night. Matinee Mati-nee Saturday. EMPRESS Vaudeville. Performance every afternoon and two performances perform-ances at night. PANTAGES Vaudeville. Performance every afternoon and two performances perform-ances at night. MOTION PICTURES. MEM L5SY Continuous performances. Special, "Deacon BlUIngton's Downfall," Down-fall," with concert orchestra. REX Continuous performances, with orchestra and plpo organ. Special today, to-day, "The Cross in the Cacti." Tho following tbcator notice.! aro marked "ndvortibonu.nl" In order to comply with n Nlrlct liitorprolallon of tho new fcdoral newspaper news-paper law. In no nenso 1110 thoy paid ndvar-tlficmcntB. ndvar-tlficmcntB. They aro Items furnlr.hcd by tho proaa ngonln of tho varlouu theaters. Klaw Sz Erlanger and Joseph Brooks will present at tho Salt Lake theater on Wednesday, March 11, and filling out the week, tho best comedy written In fifty years "Milestones," tho sensational dramatic dra-matic success of two continents. "Milestones" "Mile-stones" Is by Arnold Bennett, the most widely-read writer of tho day. and Ed ward Is-noblauch, tho author of "Kismet" "Kis-met" and other great successes. Youth and romance dominate tho play. The sale of seals will begin Monday. Utah theater patrons aro receiving with much pleusuro the Mack-Rambcau players' presentation this week of Willard Muck's best drama, "The Open Range." The story keeps Interost at high tension throughout tho four acts and there Is Just enough comedy In the play to make It one of the best balanced seen at the Utah In many months. There Is an exciting scene In tho third act, which Is brought to a close with a terrific rough-and-tumble light between the sheriff and Hastings, a crooked lawyer. Headlining tho bill of six big acts at tho Pantages theater this week arc Gertrude Ger-trude Dean Forbes and her company, who appear In "Tho Wild Rose," a now com-odv com-odv sketch. Tho Wllhat troupe Is another an-other feature. The troupe consists of two pretty women and two men, comedy bicyclists. Among tho other acts of the bill are Ed Kresko and Eva Fox In their clover skit, "A Lesson In Aviation"; Kaufmann and Sawtell in "Tho Dutch Professor and His Pupil." Jack Roche, Ed Crawford and tho DeForrcsts till out tho bill. How would you like to take a soup ladle and sit outside a bear's cage for an hour and feed him Ice cream? Or if preferable, you could spend the hour' In 1 peeling bananas and shoving them In to the big fellow, helping him now and then to a piece of chocolate cake or some French pastry. This Is part of tho work of the assistants to the trainer of T3lg Jim. tho 180-pound Alpine grizzly, at the Empress this week, and to tell tho truth tho bear 1b tho pet of the entire en-tire troupe playing at the Empress this weclc Tho Rex theater programme today has four good pictures, headed by the western west-ern feature, "The Cross in the Cacti." Itis a two-part Eclair drama with a good plot and plenty of action, soma of the desert scenes being exceptionally fine. A drama, written and acted bv Lois Weber, Is also on tho bill. Otto King, cellist of the Rox theater nll-sololst. orchestra, or-chestra, will give a solo. "Meditation," from "Thais" (Massenet), as part of tho musical programme at tho Rex today. to-day. The moral that kindness brings Its own reward runs throughout the wholo storv If "The Open Door." a beautiful two-part drama by the Scllg company. In which the life story of a boy Is vividly told, "Deacon BlUIngton's Downfall," a two-roe) two-roe) Edison comedy. Is one continuous laugh from bcgnlnlng to end. On account of his meanness everybody was glad when George Spam's mare boat tho deacon s In a trotting race. That was only the beginning of his many troubles, which followed each other In rapid succession. "The Opon Door" and "Dcucon Billing-ton's Billing-ton's Downfall" will be shown at the Mohesy for tho last time today. |