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Show II') , J.N THE DISTRICT COl'RT OK THE United .States for the district of Utah. In the matter of Ernest Crowton, bank-I bank-I nipt. No. 15S1 In bankrupted Pcti- i , tlon for discharge. To the Honorable John A. Marshall, judge I of tho district court of the United' i States for the- district of Utah Ernest Crowton of Salt l.ake City. In , the county of Salt I.ake und state of Utah In said district, respect fullv repwents , l'"t on the r.hil day or March last" pact, ' , I'u was duly adjudged bankrupt under the acts of congress relating to bank ruptcy; that he has duly surrendered all lis property and rlghin of property, and 1 has fully compiled with all the reciulr- ments of eald acts and of tJio orders of ' the court touching his bankruptcy. i I " hercforc he prays that ho mav be dc- creed by the court to have a full dls- l charge from all debts provable agalnt 1 1 his estate under wild bankrupt ar-l ex cept such debts as arc excepted by law h from, such ill.churRC. i Dated thin 2nd day of March. A D ' 1011- ERNBST CROWTON," " I Bankrupt, r . |