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Show IECKLES gy and March Bring Out TJu-Wy TJu-Wy Spots. How to 'Remove I Easily. Roman with tender skin dreads y and March because thev are 0 eovor her faco with ugly freck-pnatter freck-pnatter how thick her veil, tho MVmds havo a strong tendency P her freckle. J match- for her pence of mind, pnt discovery of a now proserin-,hne proserin-,hne doublo strength, makes it ior even those most susceptiblo piWlos to keep their skin clear and jmM 4 ,T"attur how stubborn a ML if- SH (vou bavo tho doublo r'flK 1,110 B',0ltl remove thorn. 0U?C9 , ro in vour druggist and If2 irecklcH. Money bn-k if it OH' (Advertisement.) Children Cry- FOR FLETCHER'S - CASTORS f THE ' HIGHEST TYPE OF I f LADIES' TAIL ORIN G SEEN V IN SALT LAKE I To Introduce This New Section a Redaction of $10.00 Will Be Featured for One W eek Wp We have no hesitancy in recommending Mr. Schwab's work, lylm ? Our iiwestiga'tioiis covering liis work for many years past lead us to believe that he will more than please our customers. Im Mr. Schwab was for many years recognized as one of the finest dmr Ladies 1 Tailors in Washington, D. 0., and numbers among his custom- iiWh e'rs women whose names are known throughout the country. SMP It takes a while for a new man to win confidence. And the H reason we have for .lowering prices temporarily is to get made as many jftUp suits as possible for each suit worn will become the strongest adver- irflfe tisement possible. imh THE SEASON HAS HARDLY OPENED. THEREFORE, WE I URGE OUR CUSTOMERS TO COME IN AOT) TAKE ADVANTAGE H MS OF THE DISCOUNT. W) H Many Recoveries H From Lung Trouble H A medicine for Throat and Lung Trou-hleB Trou-hleB which has been thoroughly tostcd for many years, and which has been Instru-mental Instru-mental in restoring complete health to a IH largo number of sufferers, should bo IH thoroughly Investigated by everyone. IH While no unduo claims are made for t, IH nor any guarantee that its uao will re-store re-store health, Bckman's Alterative has been given the full credit in saving lives in many cases. jH Road this case: Wilmington, Del. "Gontlemen In January, 190S, I wan taken with hemorrhages of tho lungs. My physician, ono of the leading practitioner:! of Wilmington, Del. raid that It was lung trouble. I took eggs and milk in quantities, but I got very weak. Mr. I. A. Uppincott of Llpplncott &. Co., Dc-partment Dc-partment Store. 30G to 314 Market street,. IH Wilmington. Del., rocommended to mo IH Eckman's Alterative that had dono great IH good, and upon his suggestion I began IH taking It at once. This was about June. IPO?, i continued faithfully, using no other remedy, and finally noticed tho IH clearing of tho lungs. 1 now have no IH trouble with iny lungs. I firmly believe IDckman's Alterative saved my life." (Affidavit) JAS. SQUIRES. (Above abbreviated; more on request,) Eckman's Alterative has been proven by many years' tost to be most efficacious 1 for severe Throat and Lung Affections, Bronchi Us, Bronchial Aathina. Stubborn Colds and In upbuilding tho system. Con-tains Con-tains no narcotics, poisons or habit-form- IH lug drugs. Sold by leading druggists. Write the Eckman Laboratory. Fhlladel-phla, Fhlladel-phla, Pa . for booklet telling of recoveries and additional cvidonce. Sold by Schramm-Johnson. Drugs, "The Never-Substitutors." Never-Substitutors." Five (5) Good Stores, and lending druggists. (Advertisement.) You probably haven't much H idea about the H way clothes-styles are designed; the artistic talent employed in t producing the models yon like. fm Design in clothes is mm the intangible thing HI .which makes the difference between correct, and almost correct, style. It is the mark of sraprem-acy sraprem-acy in our goods. Hart SchaffnerMarx Good Clothes Makers " z |