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Show J I. W. W. Leaders No Longer Able to Address the Unemployed Un-employed in the Open Air in New York. TANNENBAUM GETS OUT OF JAIL ON BAIL Misguided Followers Who Raided the Church Remain in Prison; Kelly's Army Headed for Ogden. INIBW YORK, March 5. Tho polico handled the problem of tho unemployed unem-ployed tonight by refusing to allow them to congregate in numbers out of doors, ns has been their custom. The few stragglers "who appeared at their usual gathering place, Rutgers Rut-gers square, seemed uncertain as to what they should do in view of the wholesale arrests last night when nearly near-ly 200 of thoir number, including Frank Tanneubaum, thoir leader, wero taken into custody when they entored St. Alphonsus church. Two men who addressed the few who camo togother wero arrested. Tanuonbaum, aftor nearly twonty-four twonty-four hours in jail through failure to procure bail, was liboratod tonight, pending a hearing on tho chargo of inciting in-citing to riot. A surety company furnished fur-nished tho bond of $7500 required by tho court. Others in Jail. It was assumed that. Tanneubaum purposed to seek tho counBol of other leaders of tho Industrial "Workers of tho World, under whose banner the unemployed havo been active roccntly. While Tannonbaum was making his plans 190 men who wero arrested with him laBt night wore in several city prisons, awaiting trial. The men arrested tonight wore Tho-odoro Tho-odoro Freeman, a waiter, and Darwin J. -Moserolo, a Brookln lawyer. Ffrce-man Ffrce-man attempted to speak to tho stragglers, strag-glers, and Mcsorolo denounced Freeman's Free-man's arrest, tho polico said. In tho night court Freeman was fined $3. Meaerole told the court that after the polico had ordered him to stop speaking ho had telephoned to a pobce station and was informed ho did not havo to desiBt as long as he did not address I. W. W. workers. Hearing Hear-ing this, the court discharged Mescr- Olfl ivhf nfl'nrpd fn 1V.1V Prnnmnn 'a fine. Freeman accepted "as a loan" the lawyor's proffer of $5. but went to jail instead of paying his fine with tho money. Yelled All Night. Tannonbaum had a cell by himself during tho night, but his followers did not faro so well. Thoir numbers made it imperative that five or six bo placed in ono cell, and under thoso conditions sloop was out of tho question. Throughout Through-out the nirrht yells and protests kopt tho other prisoners awake. "The whole affair is a frameup," declared William Haywood, head of the organization, who came horo recently recent-ly to attend a mooting of tho International Interna-tional Workingmen'a Dissent conference confer-ence "Polico Commissioner McKay could havo rounded up anv of tho un-employed un-employed two days ago if ho had wanted to, but he waited until tho mayor returned and gavo him authority. authori-ty. Now thoy aro after Tannonbaum's blood. I can't see that ho has done anything to bo arrestod for. It is not tho men who aro on triul, but tho Mitchcl administration and tho churchos, " Jane Konlston, secretary of the mixed locals of tho I. W. W., said she was ready to furnish $1000 bail for Tannonbaum Tan-nonbaum if tho authorities would to- (Continued on Page Threo.) ft IIS DUE IT MUHO By POLICE (Continued from Page Ono.) duco Mb bond to that amount. Mrs. Eoulston came hero several yearB ago from San Francisco. , The mo3t woe-begone of the prisoners prison-ers was Hyman Finkelstein, "who, when arrested in the church last night, had $750 In his possession. Finkcktein said he had no idea of the nature of the demonstration in whioh ho was participating. "I was -watching the meeting in Ilutgors square," he said, "when somebody said, 'Come on; wo'ro all going to eat," bo I followed. Finkelstein refused to givo his address ad-dress for fear, ho said, that ho would bo robbed after he returned home. Kelly's Band Routed. OAKLAND, Cal., March 5. "General" "Gen-eral" Kelly's band of 2000 unemployed unem-ployed men, which started from San Francisco Tuesday to march to the national capital, was routed hero today to-day bv 250 policemen armed with rifles. ri-fles. The entire band W3S put aboard street cars and shipped to Richmond, a ueur-by town. No resistance was offered, the men ignoring Kelly's plea I that thoy stand and givo battle to the police. At Richmond, however, the travelers immediately began a riot, attempting to demolish a iargo woodon storage building. Policemen dispersed them with a liberal use of their clubs and arrested ar-rested a number of the ring leaders. Senators Opinion. WASHJjVGTON, March u The Industrial In-dustrial Workers of the World and militant mil-itant suffragettes should be classed with "other forms of lawlessness," Senator Sherman declared today. lie added he felt he could say so without his motives being questioned, becauso he favored tho woman suffrage constitutional consti-tutional amendment. Headed for Ogden. RICHMOND. Cal., March 5. Arrangements Arrange-ments were made tonight by the authorities authori-ties of Contra Costa county for Ihc transportation of two camps of unemployed unem-ployed men. aggregating about J GOO men, to Bcnlcla. soiuno county, iumoi -row morning. The men will be put aboard Santa Fe cars and taken to Martinez, Mar-tinez, where n breakfast will he served bv the people of thut town. From there Ihc men will be transported by train to ! Muir station, the closest point lo Port Costa touched bv the Santa Fo railroad. Forrvboat service has been arranged to solid the men Into Solano county, across Carqullnez straits. It was reported hero tonight that the citizens of Benlcla were threatening to oppose the landing of the men, Deputy sheriffs and special police guarded the camps tonight and were prepared to act vigorously In tho event of attempted depredations. Leaders of the rival faction of marchers march-ers said that they intended to inako Ogden. Og-den. Utah, a common meeting point, where other bodies of men will gather from Portland. Tacorna and Loa Angolcs. From Ogden thev say they will travel en masse to Washington, D. c |