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Show READY TO ASSIST FARM OF IH Chicago Capitalists Will Extend Ex-tend Aid to Green River Land Project. TO SETTLE DIFFERENCES Conflict Between State and Federal Governments for Early Adjustment. The stale land board committee, consisting con-sisting of Governor Spry. idcnt.JV. D. C'andland and Secretary SV. .J. 1j) nm, which was sent to Washington to con- for with interior department- officials with reference lo state land mat ore, submitted its written report to tho land board yesterday. nftnM hot tho This report. U to the of reel that tho committee was successful to a large measure and gained as s" . fLronJ tho department, that the comnln nl . ox tho stale against the V. oral government in withdrawing in n nSl lands from state scnoo grants would be looked into carotully. The committee reports that IctfWiawon b0t. tine a " dead-line, ' across which the government cannot go in W J"'1 tion of state lands, probably ije recommended to congress by thc interior inte-rior department. Of Value to State. The report Hays: Your committee is of the opinion that thc conferences have been pt immense value to the state and will result in the settlement of the disputes dis-putes which havo arisen in the past tint! will prevent like disputes in tho future, and ultimately the concos-sion concos-sion that tho state is entitled to Uiopo lands, at least, which wcro not known to be mineral at the time of statehood. It is also reportod that, tho committee commit-tee was .successful in bringing about closer co-operation between various outside out-side land companies, which are interested, inter-ested, through loans and land purchases, pur-chases, in development ancl reclamation work in Utah, Portions of the roport bearing on this subject follow: Will Aid Project. At Chicago wc conferred with tho Pcarsons-Taft company, which has $50,000 invested in farm mortgages at Urcon Itiver, where the state has an investment of $50,000 in irrigation irriga-tion district bonds. Tho compauy oxprcssod a desire to take any steps necessary to help the farmers inako a success of the project and indicated indi-cated a desire to co-operate with tho state in extending any help noccssary in briuging about tho eventual reclamation of tli o lands and the success of the project. They agroed to send e. man out at once and wero givon assurances that this offico would render any assistance or givo any information within its power. At New York your committee was met hy Dr. Landman of tho Jewish National Agricultural college, who arranged a meeting' with the trustees trus-tees of tho Baron liirsch fund, at which meeting the entire subject of tho Jewish colony on the Piuto project was thoroughly considered and the position of tho stato fully explained, which resultod in the promise of the directors that, upon a lull and complete statement by thc colony of its affairs, immediate stops would be taken, if a favorable favor-able showing wore made, to assist those upon thc land to establish themselves in a manner that will enable them Ip successfully reclaim the land. |