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Show lES FOB METALS I IEMI ICHHD M$ ler Unsettled in the New "4 'i jrk Market; Lead and ff Spelter Quiet. H-'M : M-r-I-H-l-t-H-M-I-M':- ier (electro.) . . .'. .?l1.37iWM.nO ? u-t , Now York ?3.954.05 m yeilver 5SJe sr In London "7d - '"' LfcAAAAA .T-'-T t ?.i YORK. March G. Lead, quid, J- .05; Lonrlon, 10 I 7k fid. f,3? Br, quiet, $5.26(515.30; London. ''. unsettled; standard spot and "f UXhO&UMi electrolytic. ?J4.375?7 "jrS Jake, nominal; casting, $14.00 '.'A feteady, spot, ?37.953S.:'0; .tine. yi )SS.60. Sli5 nony. dull; Cookson's. $7,25. '". quiet and unchanged. !& on markets closed aa follows: "I er, quiet, spot, Gl 5s: futures. b 6d. '3 easy; spot. 174; futures, :17G. Cleveland warrants, 50s Gd. 5 f cl0iin Stock List. .7! I Satea HllchlLow I Cli. 4 P 11.100 7?i 73?i 74 Pi h3i t sugar r.ioo ti 20 :o4 ' 3.600 30H SO SOU JS . 53 r & Foundry .'.'.'. so'-i t Oil ... u fScc 1.100 31U SJi.i 30H y! d"i io& CO I0J 3614 35U 35 alt Rut S0O C8U C74 6714 Sft I 102-V iv& Tfl l.ioo 121 i:ou iiaK ...;: too 2to 20 " 24? $ f 1.S00 37H 07H P7 Hi .fr IC-5i ?! -Cot Line 122' Dhlo S.2M jiju j;m (IOV4 " l II. WO 3 U'i 't - apld Tr 5.000 01 ?SH D3i .PPclflc 10.200 203H 20SU 20JH jsather 3.400 33?; 32? 32-4 ,2, Ohio 76.00V) 62?i 554 TiS'l J t. Weit a, '& Et Paul 1.200 1031 1024 I02i W 0O 135 13U )3iJ V-l POO 33r-j 33 33 tr?. 300 134 13J 1334 -ii iduct? lUi QjT luflion 100 153 !D2 152' ? 13 ai r!....-. 22'i 1-300 20H 134 13'i lift 30(1 3' w Jp Pfo , Z,:t, im Electric C0 H7UIWCU uni txl r pM 2.100 127'i 127rl V r Or ClU 2M 3-j; 3; 36U. Si 1104 n : 1.100 i5; is n?s ! 1.300 614 60ifc 604 irvttter 10$ fj rlno ptd 104 bp ""260 "s" "k" 74 IE 50 8 25 2 q 3m ?5 v fat 1.200 1E0U HO H3i ,H fii1 1 136 JN P t 5 St 51 2O0 1324 1324 1314 :TTor son J3' 15H I?1 He 1.100 26 SK 2fi?i S.s suit , 134 an.: WW 111 pi l 2"J PM 114 lit itral MOO 30!i f3i 904 ona if5 w 2''li CT OJt POO 1034 102T4 102H a ' irlcan 200 70 70 634 ?f I'lc 1,300 M2H 1124 1124 " 200 24T 24 214 i ml 2.100112 iltj 111; Ltll Oib 12is Hap st Lou 85 b&l 1 200 21i 21 21 ..y Ileal Car 400 H 434 ; fV Car .in.) H 151 151 I r ::.30O lfiG 16?i 1634 I ,JV & 8 ,. 2. Son 27 25 25 " 900 ni ?ov 604 ' ! iCo , 1,400 r,', i B4 if 400 S4 64 S4 41 r.fl F 2d pfd 7 Jt Uno 20i JUL t 1,100 55 r.4 R14 0 P-S & I .. : .. . . 33 ?A P 3.R00 3S 914 04; yfifft? "00 25 25 25'A WW: ' j.660 36" '3514 33 itiRaclflc H Affcltlc 17,300 iook itt isst; llty :0 Si 8,U r.3,i ttKr "i.soo goi ooii 604 HDpi 6.W 614 l'.' TAV i.soo no?i no 110 yWp 2.CO0 65 54K 5t-5i Wbe Ch'm 31 Mi'.' ""2OO "7" hi JlMd 300 31 31 304 2vtJnton 2,300 6(4 f.3; C3-H NpStectrtc SOO 714 71 704 JKLake Krlo 4 tyfltr &. H 10,600 CS4 64 654 1.000 124 4151 41!i 1.600 204 204 204 fclM for the dny. 330.500 uliarcs. I Now York Bonds. K .... 9; K C rcf 5s 974 .... . 95i Ij S dob 4s 1331 .... D14 ,103 Iu & Nnuh Un 4n . S4 102 .Mo K & T lot 4s . POU 112 do khi 44s 534 1124 Mo Pafclllc 4n .',34 P 102 do conv 6e 73 " 101 Nat Ily Mox 4b .. 52 cv 4a. fl N" Y C Ken 34s ... 82 US do dob 48 . . . 304 a 44s . 924NY.VII.tH cv 34s . 71 n is . 354Norr W 1 con Is. P44 I960 374 do cv 4o 10' i 102 Nor Pacific 4s .. .. P5 - 1 4a . P3 do 3s 6fi4 Is 3(4 0 3 L, rfdK 43 .. 024 . ... ... 92 Perm cv 34s 1913 .. 33 w i . 924 do con la 101 6 . ..194 P.cndliif; gp.n 4 .... 554 r 8s ., 994 st I.ou 4SFE la. 76 ' 44" .. S4 do pen 6k w ... 524 81 Lou S W con 4 76 34 .. 51 Sea A Li dj Es .. 774 ilnl 4a . P5KSo Pnclflo col la .. PPi ; 33U do cv 4o S74 44a ..102 S P Tl n lrt r-t 4s. 974 )l la . 424 So Tty 5a 1054 . ..... S do j;rn In 71a; oxt 44 OIX Union Pacific 4s . P74 cv 4. ?9 ,10 Cv 4 904 f 5s . . 654 do 1M rcf 4a ... 93j 66 U 8 Rubber 5 .. .10" ' -U S 8 2d E .. oSh or n ... 71 Wall 1st est 4 ... 57 rot 4s 334 Wt Md 4a . . 79 wla Cc,,t 4 w New York Money. IK, Mnrcb C.-Calt mnner. iteadv ot,eru,.ng rule, i p.?1: 34 t:r rent; alx ruouthr, 34G3?i paper. 444 per cent; etoillnK ox-Z: ox-Z: ,,lyi .d't' .83.60; demand, imcrclal bills .14.524; bar Xor 5nhnn larf- S! r' eovernment bon.1 a bonds. IrreRular. Coffoo Futures. K. March iS.-Ea.lnr Kirropean cables d larse bantos rccclpin appeared re. n optDlnc decll.,0 of r, to S potnta ar. mem was some acatiorlnc llfiul-Jlnb,r. llfiul-Jlnb,r. vvhlcb wa, we ,ake", , 0 ml bi" 0,ffrlne otherwlso were rporls of a ktoady cost and frclrlit h rallied on l0verlnK or upporl. The cloao wai Atcady I to J"ly. 9.12c; Snpiember. 9.23c; Octo-Novcmber, Octo-Novcmber, 9.3Sc: December. 0.43c; 5; Febniary, 9.50c. dull; Cordova. 13gir.4c, nominal, ontion Wool Auctions. woVff5:"1' i'."5 W001 M,os "ay wer offered. The buylnc waa eaner 1 lxn bardenluc ntw. ftl.!-WMi ,C0UrCd' " W lsM64da,M: "C0Ur"J' 16 Mff2 34d: A '00f5r,Mhs ,crM"' raia. 600 balca; greasy, 70" Cottou Market. Mimml?: JIari,., p--Cotlon closed ateadr fScd;,n polnta hlKher. "aiy. |