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Show VOLNEY S. ANDEM SUMMONED BYM?jj Well-known Young BasSii91 Passes Away at a IB? HofspitaL IBjJ Volney S. Anderson, 29 yMjtf an employee of the TrscjXft" Trust company, died yetkriS Mark's hospital 'Evfsi Mr. Anderson was well krilStftk iness circles of Salt LakeB been engaged in insurance ty work hero for nearly a dSjfis and it was in this capaciBr was connected with the TTliHi!W Trust company for tho past'Sw Ho was a native of NeifrMT lived in Idaho for a sbortiBf coming west before fiuallyiHrKC home in Salt Lake. B,'f With the exception of o&dfc Mr. Anderson was withoutBffa' here. The brother, GeorgqiMifc sou, of Bingham Canyon, taUtF1 Lake last night on hcarijBf brother's death. TYl!fl Arrangements for the fuMM not been completed. "HhouAMi-. derstood that it will be helB'1 auspices of the Elks' lodgBVj' Mr. Anderson was a mcmbiSkli |