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Show it in Possible Outcome feu ? 4 t the Attitude of Wash- I '! on Authorities, How-?! How-?! ' ,3 er, Continues Intense. 11 etary bryan Iefore committee Jj ftl Terrazas Appeals to 5 i. jjjj rican Consul to Save Hi 1 Son From Execu- g I tion by Villa. EINGTON, March 5. Whilo . J ithat had bcon felt over the !? & m vi JF situation as a result of the at; 5, li execution Jias been practically ?e in official circles here, the in of Mexican affairs at both &IL tol and oxocutivo quarters to- 5tj( f 1 tea caled a broad interest in de-I'li de-I'li 'llj the Mexican problem, frith tho if Felix Diaz, who helped Ql' to overthrow Madero and later rH m Vera Cruz because of fear 1!? Ita. It is generally supposed lesiros to appear before tho J foreign relations committeo, he has submitted no Toquest )t nvoidod publicity. Senator tH acting chairman of the cornel corn-el iaid Diaz would be hoard if he M s information possible on thL iean situation was being gath- j$the committee. No promlso ti$ -made for tho support of any revolution in Mexico, such as 4m ricans, who said they repre- piaz, outlined beforo the for-eO, for-eO, itions committee yesterday, nfr ir William Aldcn Smith of if assorted he would not give Rto,J)iaz if ho hud his way as he believed, tho United a is becoming the "international "a k.Kr0llnd of revolutions." 5. r Works of California will ad-n ad-n 3' senate tomorrow on the Mcxi-VJ? Mcxi-VJ? ation, while Senator Pall of fl acico will discuss tho subject Appears. iry Bryan appeared beforo tho jji nnnttoo on iorcign affairs and t& -questions about conditions in 15 i'.Some members of the com-ipJ com-ipJ lid ho made a favorable ini-si ini-si and, that resolutions calling &l mation would not be ueces-W ueces-W ipresentativo Ainey, Republican Republic-an nusjdvania, however, who has vei ion pending calling for infor-tkl infor-tkl n the Mexican situation, is- J Itatoment dcclnrimr thnt f.lm Jji 6 entitled to rccoivc the facts & they should bo made public. n WilBon told callers today eft id not think General Carranza o -to offend tho r-;tcd States & y denying u. ji inatiou to H ad States government about & I c5 l Statement 'K Vo .fJesqueira, confidential W re of tho constitutionalists, is-ifi is-ifi atement tonight busod on dis- ia had received from General rtll -;Conurming tho report of tho M J of a commission to investi-ed investi-ed ?'y the death of Benton, but pt disappearance of Bauch. 10 ;al Carranza and hia ad-r( ad-r( tcaid the statoment, "onter-$1 "onter-$1 opinion that Benton, having Til i. iu Mexican territory, the n aBcertwuing the real facts $J1X rosJ?onEibilitj should bo ;tne constitutionaliat authorial authori-al A, ln',fle fa0t COUtTOl Of i fot Chihuahua. Luis Cabrera, a member of congress, has tfi etod by General Carranza as fll i Toprcsontative in tho matter fd 'aviso tho commission. lal Carranza hopes that the -rK1 suspend judgment in respect jntou case until such timo as rravo opportunity to mako pub-yjBBport pub-yjBBport of tho commission, and fas ,llaclo.sQ ay liability iV i rho uonBtitutionaliBt gov-dMe gov-dMe .atter "5vi11 proceed to give Kactiori and mako such rcpara- mat'ionsCr T(iq"ired "ntler tho lfm?B BeHef- Ca1rr?I";a desires to havo rfW!' wil1 meet tho 1l.6plri1 ,of ahsohito franknoss IMf' n!tll0Ph ho does not bo-t bo-t K''o;0r-0,?n Kovernmeuts should tman independent investigation SaSfe33 no. inf"rmation at tho I!5rtme"t concerning the re-i5er re-i5er of V'craentc Vergara. No )-Pn? H'o on the effort b of P" of, tls offendors. Ifes Sllows8-rftl,1?e1 tL war de gdispateheH yesterday stated Wk! 'lat(i ""thorities liavo in. iAMe Bocretary of state in Wash-;RL Wash-;RL fctlcral ,L1(1 s needed to SjMox-,San maraudeni from crosu-13 crosu-13 f"l04 and tttealng :attlo and at once callod for roport district commandor on Iho jjomplotc roports iiiat received cjFrcSGfc Kround f'or apprehen- ftcqjtipn of the Amcricau com-itJjlL! com-itJjlL! tuah"a t0 OSftmino tho "Mloed on Pago Turco. LESS TENSION OVER IXIM PRIM (Continued from Tasc One.) body of Benton has been onlj temporarily tempo-rarily abandoucd, according to officials. Tho "outcome, of tho inquiry instituted by the Mexican constitutionalists themselves, them-selves, however, is awaited and official havo given no inkling as to what their policy will be thereafter. General CJarranza has addressed to American Consul Simpich at Nogales a third note to the United States government gov-ernment setting forth that the commis- sion which he has appointed to invest!-1 gate tho Beulon oxocjition would endeavor en-deavor to dear up the mystery attending attend-ing the disappearance of Gustav Bauch, an American citizen. Secretary Bryan said tho visit' of George G. 'Carothcrs, consular agent, to General Garranza did not concern the Benton case. ITo declined to say what the purpose of the mission was. |