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Show Saturday last, Coach Brown of Ogden fcald: "I am more than satisfied with the showing Ogden made against the 'U" freshmen. Inasmuch as tho freshmen team ia composed of the cream of the secondary schools of last year, I consider con-sider the showing of Ogden to nay the least remarkable The boys deserve de-serve all the credit." "TiU'e" Olsen, of the University of Utaii and coach of the Freahmen team said: "Ogden Is without question the hardest team to defeat that wc have met this year. For a young team they play a remarkable game. There Is no question but that a number of Ogden's team will maxe the all state team this year." The lineup was as follows: Ogden High. "U" Freshmeu. Whitmeyer .. .1 e .Titus and Meyers Sample I t Hampton Charles Smith ...l.K Wimmer W. Smyth c Paul Flovd Smith r.g KIrby I. Checketts r t Watson j Allen r.e Rynoarson Moran q Sutherland j Stone 1 h Hamilton Evans . r.h DUlman "Mickey" Boyle ,fl Ashton Ben Baum was chosen referee. Lieutenant Dickson, umpire, Ben Har-ker, Har-ker, field Judge and W. S. Hedge as head lineman. At least 2.0(H) epectators viewed the games and about 1.000 had gathered on the field at I o'clock to watch the struggle between Ogden high and the "U" freshmen teams. The frethmen kicked off and Ogde-i after securing j the ball lost it on their 10 yard line when they tried to punt It out of danger. dan-ger. By a series of end runs and 1 plunges, the freshmen succeeded In i carrying the hall over for a touch down. Goal was kicked and the score ! amid the frantic cheering from the ; University stands was chalked up as C to 0. j Ogden kicked off and the freshmen returned the ball fifteen yards before 1 the runner was tackled. Tho fresh- j men fumbled and the nail went to Og- 1 den after which the freshmen were penalized fifteen yards for holding. Then the ball passed back and forth each sMe holding the other for downs 1 time and time again until Ovden at- ! tempted a fake play and fumbled tho '. ball which went to the freidnnen : They then trie! to punt the leather . which was broken up by Ogden, but ; the freshmen succcede-d in retaining , the ball. On a forward pass, Whitmeyer Whit-meyer Jerked the ball out of tbe air and started down the field but was ! tackled. ! Ogden tried to punt and failed after 1 which the freshmen were held until ' they wore forced to kick. Moran caught the ball and returned it for ' 30 yards. Allen tore around the end j for 10 yards more; "Mickey" Boyle went through center for S yards, after ( which Cnptain Si one hopped through a hole in the freshman line for 10 yards. This brought tho ball to tbe ' 43 yard Hue and Moran tried a place kick for oa! which he made without difficulty. The whistle ended the first quarter with the score standing C to 3 In favor of the freshmen. The freshmen kicked off In the second sec-ond quarter and Ogden returned the lall 15 yards before tackled. Then Ogden punted The ball sailed high In the air and Sutherlund signalled for a fair catch Tho freshmen then tried a place kick which they made and the score was 0 to 3 in their favor. fav-or. This was the last point made in the game. Ogden although fighting vnllently for a touchdown was held by the weightier team. Tho remainder remain-der of the game was a series of punts and forward passes, neither side being obb to score. Bcnnlon of the University of Utah was chosen as referee for the Salt Lake high and Grand Junction same; 1 Lieutenant Dickson was chosen nra-Ire; nra-Ire; Lieutenant Ellis as field judge and Hedtes as head linesman s.iit Lake kicked off to the visitors who began their play by fumbling the ball. They recovered It however but were held for downs and the ball went to Salt Lake. Salt Lake then took the ball down the field by a series of end runs nnd forward passes for a tuchdown. Goal was kicked and from that time on to tho end of the first quarter It was merely a question of Salt Lake running run-ning back and forth across the field OGDEN LOSES TO UNIVERSITY TEAM The Ogden High school giants went down to defeat before the Freshmen team of the state university at Cuni-mlng's Cuni-mlng's field in Salt Lake, Saturday, the score being D to 3 In favor of the Zionitos. it was a kittle royal and every inch of the gridiron Held was measured by tho husky lads before tho victory was won. Immediately after af-ter the Ogden-Unl versltv game was played, tho Salt Lake "ll'gh school team buckled In and defeated tho champion team of Coloiado by a score of to c. The Centennial state champion hall from Grand Junction, Mesa couuty. In view 0f the fact that Ogden high defeated Salt Lake high for the championship of tho state of Utah ior touch downs until the score stood 23 to 0 at tho end e.f the quarter in favor of the Salt Lake high. During the second quarter. Grand Junction by a series of forward passes and straight line bucks carried the ball over for a touchdown and kicked goal. But Salt Lake rallied and run the score up to 35 before tho wh'stle ended end-ed the game. At no time was tho game in question. Grand Junction being be-ing clearly outplayed and out classed in every feature of the game Numerous Num-erous predictions were made on tho ! side lines as to what the score would have be'en had Grand Junction been pitted against Osden instead of SaH Lake Both teams will play at Crand Junction, Colo., on Tnanksglving day |