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Show MILLS AND BIS TALK ON TAXES To the Kdltor of the Ogden Standard Stand-ard Wo notice b your editorial in the Saturday Standard that you take Issue with Superintendent Mills on what he said before the student assembly as-sembly at the High school last week regarding state aid for hlg'u schools, and we desire to call your attention to two or three matters pertaining to his talk. You state that the Superintendent urced the pup'ls to have their parents par-ents vote "Yes'' on the first four of tho proposed amendments. Suoerln- : tendent Mills did not urge the first j four amendments before the student i body. Wc note from your editorials that you are in favor of question No. 1, which deals with state aid for high schools. The talk ot Superintendent Mills was entirely in harmony with that He stated that there had been an eight-mill state tax on tho vnlun tion of property since tho beginning of statehood, And that question number num-ber one continued that tax the same, but that one huif mill of It would bo diverted from the purpose for which it had ben used formerly and would be distributed over the -state for hUh fchool purrosos, and that Ogden wouJd receive approximately $7,000 of this tax. Ho stated that we are Kitting three billn for school jmrposcs at present, and that that had yielded Ogden about Jl0,000( and he felt that one-half mill would surely yield one-4-'.xth of the amount that three mills ' yield, and that It was a reasonable thing to expect the Increased valuation valua-tion to yield Ogden about $7,000 from this tax. He stated that It would not be a rise over tho present taxation, but that the taxation would continue 1 the same if the people voted "Yes" : to this amendment. Superintendent Mills did not oven urge the students J to ask their parents to vote "Yes" on j this amendment, but he told them to explain It to their parents and. If i their parents did not believe In it, ( they 9hould vote "No"; however, tho effect of his talk would certainly bo In favor of voting "Yes." You state that a half-mill on Weber County's assessment of $18,500,000 would yield Ogden $0,250; but it must j be rememliered that Ogden city does i not receive the proceeds of a tax levied on tho valuation of the entire county. The city valuation Is $13-1 250,000 and a half-mill on that would 1 be $6, 23; so l appears that Ogden ' City about holds her own on a state tax for school purposes and none of her proceeds are distributed amon? outside counties, as her school population popu-lation is so heavy that a per capita tax returns all monejs for which she is assessed. This would not be the cas. in taxation for other purposes, because that would not be given back according to school population. We feel, therefore, with you and Superintendent Superin-tendent Mills, that it Is a good tlng to ioto "Yes" on, at least, question No. 1 Yours Very Truly. Members of Ogden High School Faculty. Fac-ulty. (Signed) GEO. W. BAILEY. W. E KNEASS, MARGARET MALLERY, G. F. ROACH. B A. PERKINS. Sl'SIE McD. W. RABOURN, FLORENCE J HIRST. W. A. O'BYRNE. LILIAN ANDREWS PARNS-WORTH. |