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Show 'terday afternoon nt the Fourth ward mee-tliiR house, wlih Mlshop K. . Olson olllclatlng. The ward choir sang several selections nnil the solo, "Calvnry," wns rendered by Mrs. Mn-rlon Mn-rlon JohiiKon Clark. Oreon Griffin sang "Tho Christian's Good Night," Tho speakers wore Fred unimeilll. Samuel G. .Dye and Bishop 13. A., 01-s 01-s m. The tse rvloes wore attended by many of the friends, nnd the Woodmen Wood-men of tho World attended in a body und gave their ritual at the crave lu tho Opden cemetery, whoro interment took place. DEATHS AND I ' FUNERALS HARRY E. BLAIN. The funeral of Harry E. Dlain was l.eld yesterday afternoon at ;i o'clock, pud the services were in charge of the Henevolent and Protective Order of I'iks. The Order of Moose, of which the deceased was also a member, was represented by a large delegation of members. Rev. W. W. Fleetwood or the Episcopal Epis-copal church officiated at the services. serv-ices. The pall bearers were Messrs. eller. Feeney. Miller, Maekln. llar-rlson llar-rlson and C.riflln. A quartet composed or Messrs. I'.al-lantyne, I'.al-lantyne, Allison. Madson and Douglas rendered the following selections': "Deautiful Itle of Somewhere.-' "I Need Thee Kvcry Hour" and 'Nearer. 'Near-er. My God, to Thee." The funeral- cortege was escorted to the Mountain View cemetery by delegations dele-gations cf both the Elks and Moose, and the Elks burial service was held at the grave. Mr. Blaiu was a very popular young man with all who knew him, and bad a host of friends among the railroad rail-road and business men of the city, lie was born In St. Ixuls Feb. 22. 1S74. and was an oniy son. Ills parents par-ents are at present residing in Indianapolis, Indian-apolis, Ind.. and the mother Is seriously serious-ly 111 It U feared that the shock lesultlng from the death of her only child may be a severe drawback 4o ber recovery. At St. Louis in March of 103 Mr. I;ialu was married to Miss Mary E. hmiili. He came to Ogden the following follow-ing November and accepted a position in tlie Falstaff cafe, where his gentlemanly gen-tlemanly conduct and genial disposition disposi-tion soon won (or nim many friends. In October of 1S07 he accepted a portion po-rtion with the commissary depar;-lueiit depar;-lueiit of the Oregon Short Line as fsslstant inspector of outfits. In a shrirt time he was advanced 'o the position of inspector of outfits, which position be held at the time of hi death. He is survived by tlie v.ife and parents. Mrs. main Is a daughter of J. S. Smith, civil engineer, of San Lcandro Cal. JOHN R. BROWN. The funeral of John It. Brown was ild yesterday afternoon at 2.31 o'clock from the residence at .'12 Twenty-third sheet Kev. J. E. Car-r Car-r r. pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiated. Several selections were' i tutored by a mixed quartet. There was a large attendance of sorrow sor-row ing relatives and friends, and the lloral tributes were numerous. Interment Inter-ment wax in Mountain View cemetery, ceme-tery, MRS. MARJORIE KENDALL. Tlie funeral f Mrs. Marjorle ,. Kendall was held at II o'clock Sunday Sun-day morning at the South Weber meeting bouse. Counselor .lohn Ray onteiated. Tho musical numbers were lendered by the ward choir. Those who spoke at the services vere John Ulcg. Alexander Dalton, .V'hn Hooper Levi Hammond. Alvii' Siovllle. Bishop D. B. HarriH Pros' i'nt B. F. Oiant. President ('. F. Mid-oi.ion, Mid-oi.ion, James A. Eldridge, Jessie M Smith and President L. W. Shurtliff, The services were largely attended anil the lloral tributes were many. ! Interment look place in tlie Flntah cemetery. MRS. ESTELLA SLATER. .Mrs. Estella S. Slater, wife of Nathan Na-than X. Slater, und n tormer resident o: this oily, died at her homo. 101$ M. E. avenue. Salt Lake on Satur-c'py. Satur-c'py. Death was due to pneumonia. The deceased was born Aug. L'.', 1S7C, an. I v.ari a daughter nf Mr. and Mrs! SMu A.k Mlnter. . Tho tunt-ral ill .0 held in Salt 1-iku at H o'clock Wednesday moru-ing. moru-ing. JOHN C. COLT. l-'uneial services for tho late John C. Coll were held at 3 o'clock yes- A |