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Show I Ogden City. Demurrer, susialned; Cu days to amend. I K. IJe Mleliele vs. Ixiiidon A: Uin- iT.shlrc Fire Insurance Co. Motion lor new trial: denied. Rhoda Reed vs. Cecil Reed Clta tion, passe:!. City. Objection to claim T'tah Na- i tional bank of Ogden; passed Ellen Richie vs. Thomas Richie. I Motion continued Indefinitely. Mildred Stone vs. lyioy Stone. Order Or-der to Khow cause; $2.". attorney fee and $10 n month alimony; allowed. Ada Boyle vs Norman F. Boyle, Decurrer overruled; 20 dds io an-I swer. I William F. Dineon vs W J. Moran Sr. ot al. Motion for security for costs; granted. Frank B Craner vs U13I1 Copper Co. Demurrer overruled; 20 days to answer. James F. Murray by guardian ud Ltein vs. I'tah Canning Co. Demur-ler Demur-ler to amenJed answer; sustained. Fred Fei vs. Minnie Baker Fel. Motion Mo-tion for alimony; granted $".0 a TiOnth and "0 attorney fee. Fred Halverson vs. Ogden City. Mo-lion Mo-lion for new trial; continued one ! week by consent J. P. O'Neill Construction Co vs. 1 PROBATE AND I0TI0N DAY In the district court Saturday, before be-fore Judge Howell, the following probate pro-bate and motion calendars were bcatd and orders made: Probate Calendar. Estate guardian Emma F. Graudin et al minors. Petition for partition of real estate and apportionment of costs; granted. Estate Alexander I). Ross, deceased Petition for confirmation of sale of real estate: granted. Estate WRIIum W. Brown, deceased. deceas-ed. Petition for confirmation of tale of real estate, granted. Estate guardian Herbert W. II in-b-y ct al.. minors. Petition for fani-il fani-il yallowance; granted. Estate John Fa user, deceased. Pe tltlon for approval, allowance and settlement set-tlement of llnal account and for dis-tiibullon; dis-tiibullon; granted. Esta'e Sarah A. Lowe, deceased. Objection to application of Frcde-liek Frcde-liek S. Bradshaw for letters of administration; ad-ministration; passed. Estate guardian Gladys Conant rt al., minors. Petition for letters of (.uardlanship ; grunted. Estate Dwlght Spencer, deceased Petition for letters of administration ; p. ran ted. Estate Marie Payrol. deceased. Pe-t'tlon Pe-t'tlon for letters of administration ; granted Estate guardian Clair C. Plngree, minor. Petition for letters of guar-dianxhlp; guar-dianxhlp; passed. Estate W. U. Wardlaw, deceased. Petition for letters of administration; granted. Motion Calendar. In re dlslncorporatlon of Huotsvlllo |