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Show RANDOM REFERENCES Delicious Cream Puff3 and Fine Pantries at Ward & Drumm's. Two 6 to res. W. E Monophan was among the Salt Lakers in the city yesterday. Call Allen, phones 22. for carriages for funerals and oporas. Prlvato calls a specialty. Also prompt delivery ot bJggaee. 412 25th. F. H. Rouh and C. A. Merrick of Devil's Slide were In the city yesterday. yester-day. WANTED Clean white rags at the Standard. II. F. Wilson of Salt Lake was In the city yesterday Kemmerer'B best coal sold only by M. L. Jones Coal Co. C. M. L. Houston of Denver, auditor audi-tor for the Portland Cement company, compa-ny, Is in the city on business, AdverUsere must have their copy for the Evening standard tho evenio beforo the day on which the advertisement adver-tisement Is to appear In order to Insure In-sure publication. ' ANTHRACITE. You'll have to hurry hur-ry If you pet It, Phone 18. Shurlllff &. Company. The Democrats of the county will innp their carupalpn to a close to-nipbt to-nipbt with rallies at Iltininville, North Ctden and Pleasant View. COAL Rocky Mt. Lump. (4 75, excellent ex-cellent for furnace. Phone 27, John Farr. Get your Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line tickets at the office la the Opera House Block. Don't force your-ee!f your-ee!f to stand In line at the Depot. THE RETAIL MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION. 369 Twenty-fourth Street. Ind. Phone 1078. Bell Phone 833 Llet your accounts with us for collection and become member cf our association. Expert collection collec-tion of claims and accounts. Thousands Thous-ands of credit reports In our files at your service, showing the credit cred-it standing of all who will epply to you for credit. You cannot afford to be without our protection. Cred It ratings furnished free to members. mem-bers. JOHN ROGHAAR, Mgr. (Continued on Pnce Feren.) RANDOM RErERENCES (Continued from Page Flvo.) Congress Dancing Academy reopens Wednesday, November 9th. New management. New rules and regulations. regula-tions. Dancing S;C0 to 12. W. P. Fodter, manager. Junk Dealer A(armed Abraham Singer, a Junk dealer or 179 Twenty- : fifth street. Is fearful that men whom he hired to gather Junk for him have left the country, taking tho Junk wagon wa-gon and horse and some money with them He has bmiiaht the matter before the sheriff's office and a search j will le made for the missing men and tho junk wagon. The men started . out to buy Junk a week ago And have not been heard from since. Mr. Singer Sing-er states that they were supposed to make a report before now-. The ludleg of the Methodist church will hold their usual election dinner and supper in the basement of the church, election day. Dinner from 11:30 to 2;o0; supper from .r,:30 to S :b0. Searching for a By Clare Felt, son tif George K. Felt of Salt Lake, left hls home last Thursday, leaving a noto to his parents telling them tliat he bad concluded to start out for himself Since that time the parents par-ents and relatives have been baking for the young man. An uncle, Mr. Hansen, has colled tho at'entlon of the police department to the runaway boy and has enlisted Ihelr services In a search for him Tho parents are of the opinion that the young man Is In Ogden with friends. WANTED A lady stenographer. Ogden Og-den Pricking & Provision Co. Spencer Estate In the matter of the estate of inv'ght Spencer, deceased, de-ceased, Valentine Gideon has l.oon named as administrator and A Mr-Farland, Mr-Farland, Thomas A. Whnlen and C. F Middle-ton appointed appraisers. Rummage solo Thursday, Friday find Saturday, 251C Washington ave-nue. ave-nue. Donald Rose, freight traffic manng-cr manng-cr of the Illinois Central railroad, passed through Ogdr-n In his private, car this morning on Lis way to Salt J-ake City. Skate at the Aiidi'oritiui each afternoon aft-ernoon and evening Admission 10c, Fkate-s 13c. Thursdays ladles will be admitted free. Funeral Wednesday The funeral services of Miss Mary Katherino Moran, daughter of Mr." and Mrs. P. Moran, will be holj Wednesday morning morn-ing at 10 o'clock at St. Joseph's church Miss Moran's deatli rjreurrod in Denver, Colo., nnd the remains, accompanied ac-companied by tho parents and two young brothers, arrived in this city ! over the Union Pacific yesterday. j BEAUTIFUL HATS FOR $3.00 and 4.00 at FIVE POINTS MILLINERY.- Marrlage License George J. Eltton Jind Laura Agnes Hogge of West Weber have been issued a license to luhrry. v FOR SALE 2,000 tons standard coals. See Porterfleld. Ogden Sewer Pipe A. Clay Co. Paving Nearly Completed The asphalt as-phalt workers continued until a late hour last night laying binder on Hud-ton Hud-ton avenue. P.y tomorrow night the laving on Hudson avenue will be completed. com-pleted. Having disposed of ray coal business to James Coal & Ico Co.. accounts can be paid at Radeon's Pharmacy, 2-121 Wash. Ave., or phon B18-X, and I will call to collecL Robt. D. LewLs. On a Visli Mrs. Elisabeth Wheel-flight Wheel-flight of Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, formerly of Ogden, Is In the city visiting visit-ing with her children, Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Cathers, Mrs. Mamie Lewis, and James and Joseph Wheolw right. Mrs. Wheelwright has made her residence in Pittsburg during the pat five jcars, but the may decide to return to Ogden. She has quite extensive-property extensive-property interests here. FOR SALE Hard coal burner,' cheap. Ogden Sewer Pipe & Clay Co.-' Another Stafford mllllnej-y cut. The i lt values ever offered on all trim- , nied hats. F.xtra fpecial values at j 15.00 and $3.bO. Formerly 3rd floor 1 Wrights. - Hot and cold specials at Ward & Drumm'R. Two fountains. - i |