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Show I LEGAL. (Continued.! corporation on the sucond Wednesday of April of each year; such meeting shall be held for the purpose of electing elect-ing a Board of eleven Directors, and transacting such other business as may be- deemed necessary or convenient conveni-ent for tho welfare of the corpora tion. Such meeting shall be held at tho general office of the corporation In the city of Ogden, County of Weber We-ber and Stato of Utah, at such hour of said day as the President or Board of Directors may determine. The Board of Directors may direct the calling or special meetings as they may deem proper and necessary. At all meetings of stockholders, whether annual or special, representation of a majority of the preferred stock, exclusive of treasury or non-Issued stock, shall be necessary for the transaction of business, busi-ness, and no business, except to adjourn ad-journ or to adjourn to a specified date, shall be transacted at any meeting of ' stockholders, unless a majority of the preferred stock Issued .! represented. 1 The Board of Directors shall be elected elect-ed by ballot, and a stockholder receiving re-ceiving a majority of the votes cast by the owners of th preferred stock I of tho corporation shall be deemed I and declared duly elected as such di-I di-I rector. Each owner and holder of the ' preferred stock In the corporation , shall bo entitled to as many votes as I he holds shares of such stock. Rcprc-I Rcprc-I sentatlon by proxy, duly appointed. Fhall bt allowed at all meetlncs of I the stockholders, whether annual or I special. The failure to hold any annual an-nual or special meeting on the day appointed for the same 6hall not forfeit for-feit or in any way interfere with the corporate rights acquired under this npreement, but any sucn meeting may be held at any subsequent time upon giving twenty-one 21) days' notice thereof by publication In a dally news-I news-I paper published In Ogden City. Stale of Utah. The secretary shall, and. In case of failure, any other officer of said corporation may give twenty-one (21) days' notice of all annual or special stockholders' meetings as aforesaid. The notice, must specify in general terms the purpose or purposes pur-poses for which any special meeting is called. Notice of any annual or special meeting may be served by tho Secretary or other ofllccr by del'ver-Ing del'ver-Ing a copy thereof to such stockholder owning or holding preferred stock in tli Is corporation personally, or by depositing de-positing copies thereof In the United States postofficc at Ogden. Utah, with the postage prepaid, thereon, at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of any such meeting, addressed to the several addresses of such stockholders stockhold-ers which shall have the same effect as the publication aforesaid. DAVID ECCLES. President. HENRY H. ROLAPP. Secretary. Dated, Ogden, I'tah, Oct. 11th, 1910. 0?den. Utah, Nov. 5th, 1910. Tho above meeting is hereby adjourned ad-journed until Monday, Dec. 5ih, 1D10, at 11:00 o'clock a. m., at the company's com-pany's office above mentioned. M. S. DROWNING, Vice-President HENRY H. ROLAPP, Secretary. NOTICE. To the stockholder of the Amal-' gamated Sugar company: I Notice is hereby given that a meet Sng of tho stockholders of the Amal- j I ga.nntod Siiear conn any will be held Jit the company's office, room No. 20i Kccles building, Ocden City, Utah, j on the 6th day of November, 1910, at j 11:00 o'clock a. in., for the purpone of considering and voting upon the following fol-lowing proposed changes and amend-1 amend-1 mints to i he articles of Incorporation j ! of this company, to-wlt: Repeal article V and Fubstltute In. lieu thereof the following: "Article V Tbo authorized amount of the capital cap-ital stock of said corporation shall be Four Million (U.OOO.ooo.00) Dollars divided di-vided Into Forty Thousand 40,OO) shares of preferred stock of the par value of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars Dol-lars each. Unless otherwise ordered hy the Board of Directors, all dividends divi-dends shall b paid In Tour equal quarterly quar-terly payments, t-wii; On the first day of " April, July, October and January of each year, commencing commenc-ing with the llrst such day succeeding suc-ceeding the directors' meeting at which such dividend Is declared. All dividends are payable to tho stockholders stock-holders appearing of record on tho compauy's books on the day before Mich dividend Is payable." Repeal article XI. and substitute! I in lieu thereof the following: "Aril-clo "Aril-clo XI "The officers of this corporation corpora-tion shall consist of a Board of Eleven (11) Directors, a President, two Vice-Presidents, Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and n Treasurer; Treas-urer; each, officer and director, in order or-der to U' eligible, must own and bold in his own name at least ten shares of the pieferred slock of this corpora- tion, as shown by the ook.s inreor. Repeal article XII and substitute In lieu thereof tho following: "Arti-cv "Arti-cv XII Within ten days after the election of a Board of Directors they shall hold a directors' ni-etln? and elect a Pres'dent, two Vice-Presidents, u SecreLary and Treasurer. The President Presi-dent and the Vlce-PresldonW shall bo choren and elected from among their 1 own number; but the Secretary and Treasurer may be eleefd o-- ' r , the directors cr from tbe etockholdc-ra In the discretion oi t'J 1 -J In the offices of Secretary and Treaa-! Treaa-! nrer mav be combined In the same I person. There ball hereafter o TihM I nn knnual tiiwwns of the owners and 1 holderB of the preferred etock of tho |