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Show HORSES ARE TO AVOID DANGER rm to tho discovery of glanders anion); s tih- of tho horses of the city, iM". It it mly states that It will be well lor horsemen to avoid watering; tbelr horses nt public drinking troughs or attaching their borsi-s to public hlteh-inu hlteh-inu places. He says that horses while drinking at n trouch almost Invariably In-variably nib their noses and mouths aualnst the sides of the trough, aud may easily leave excretions of tho nostrils ami mouth of a glandular nature na-ture which would Infect other animals. ani-mals. The name thing, be says, may be done at the hitching post. The doctor states, however, that. In this altitude, glanders is not so i Mich dreaded as In other localities and that he does not consider conditions condi-tions In Ogden to be of a serious nature. |