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Show CASEY CAPTAINS WINNING TEAM The winning of the champion6h'p bunting by Portland In the Pociflo Coast loarue brings additional honors to Pearl "Cavey" Barnes, tho former Ogden player who as captain and field manaper. piloted the Oregon lpam through the season and to final victory. Tho league season was brought to a close yesterday with the Portland team easily in the lend and the pennant pen-nant was ofllc'.ally awarded to Captain Barnes team Sunday night. Barnes, while Identified with the local team, played second base and will be remem-bereq" remem-bereq" by every baseball fan In Ogden. The club standing in the league at tho clone of the seaon was as follows: fol-lows: Portland 567 Oakland u"5 San Francisco Los Angeles 455 Sacramento o9'J |