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Show Both Parties Claiming! Victory in All the Doubtful States Wilmington, Nov. 7. The political situation is uncertain, with the Republicans Re-publicans claiming the state and the Democrats hopeful. The re-election of William P. Held, Republican, over RoWt. C. White, the Democratic candidate, is regarded as probable, although al-though by a reJuced majority. ' New Haven, Conn., Nov 7 Tho , predictions from Republican state headquarters of a pluralitv of nbot 20,000 for that party's ticket and the claim of about fi.000 plurality for the Democratic ticket by the leaders cf that parly, made last week, wore un- j changed today. Reno, Nev., Nov. 7. Closing addresses ad-dresses will be mide tonight in tho principal cities of the state by candl-, candl-, dates of both parties. On the eve i of election the success of their respective res-pective tickets from top to lottom Is claimed by the Republicans and IV'tnocratlc campa'n managers bv ' pluralities tanging from 500 to 5.- tIM) Cleveland, Nov. 7. With tho ex- I ceptlon of some eleventh-hour activities activi-ties of Warren G. Harding, Republican Republi-can candidate for governor, who Is to make three speeches todav, the Ohio campaign has been transferred from the hands of the orators to the workers. work-ers. Registration figures in the cities of the state, compared with those of 1008. indlcute a reduction of InO.OOn or more In the total vote. ' Governor Judsnn Harmon and State Treasurer D S. Creamer are the onlv Democrats now holding elective of ficc-. Chicago, Nov. 7 The campaign In this state will come to a close tonight to-night with final meetings in the principal prin-cipal cities and towns and round-ups of party workers. In some of the congressional dls tricts In Chicago, heated. contests are expected and today both sides claim victory In the Ninth district, from which Henry S. Boutell Republican, was' retired at the primary, F. H. Gnnsborne, progressive Republican, and Lydi-n Evans, Di-mociat, both will speak todav. Detroit. Mich , Nov. 7. News from Michigan Democratic headquarters' is that the leaders believe they will elect three congressmen from thh state, in the First. Fifth and Sixth districts. They admit the vote will be close. The Republicans, on the other hand, declare they will win by substantial majorities. j Indianapolis, Nov. 7 Senator Reve- j ridge and John Kent will be the op-lKising op-lKising leaders In the oratory of the closing today in Indiana. Tonight Senator Beverids,e speaks at Blcknell theater and Mr. Kern at Ifayetto. Cheyenne, Nov. 7. Tbe day before ' the election finds both parties In Wyoming making claims of victory. Republican managers estimating the majority for governor at 2.000, while former Senator J. M. Carey, running fer governor as Independent Republican Repub-lican and Democrat, believes he will hae 7.n00 majority. Brth parties claim the legislature. j Denver. Nov. 7. Final appeals to voters to "vote straight" were Issued bv campaign managers today. Republican Re-publican managers are confident in their claims of their ticket, headed by John P.. Stephen for governor, but bettinft favors the re-election of Gov-, ernor John Sbafroth George J. KLndtd, the "freight rate booster." Is running for congress on the prohibition prohibi-tion ticket in the Denver district, the result being a hot three-cornered fight. S?d Francisco. Cal., Nov, 7. With both gubernatorial candidates sched- (Continucd on Page Seven.) FORECAST IS GIVEN (Continued Krorn Page One I uled to address moetlngs In their home precincts tonight, campaigning in California reached its last stage without any change In betting. Kven money is being offered that Hiram W. Johnson. Insurgent Republican, will defe.-a Theodore " Hell, hlH Democratic Demo-cratic opponent for governor, by 2'V niiO votes At headquarters of both parties, swooping victory is claimed. ISoston, Nov. 7. The stale campaign cam-paign continued today with as mich m as If the election was a week ahead Instead of tomorrow. Governor Draper and Congressman I'oss, tho Republican and DemocraMc candidates for governor respectively, Keep up their dobates. Th Republicans looked back on a long string of victories for encouragement encourage-ment Only onc since 1S02 have Ihe Democrats captured een the governorship govern-orship when Iu 1004, William L. Douglas was elected bv ..,noo plurality. plural-ity. St. Paul, Nov. 7. The slate earn palgn will close tonight with the leaders lead-ers of l-oth parties speaking In tho Twin cities Governor Kberbart will address a meeting In St. Poul and James Gray. Democratic candidate for governor, will make several t peeches In Minneapolis. Uoth sides are confident. con-fident. Hlsmark, N P., u"o 7 Political rallies in Fargo and Grand Forks, by both parties tonight, will close one of the most strenuous campaigns In the hlstor3' of North Dakota. Republicans Republi-cans hope, to poll a heavy vote that will elect C A. Johnson governor over ov-er Goernor Burke. St. Louis, Nov, 7. Republican and Democratic leaders issued statements today, in which each claim a Ictorv In tomorrow's election In Missouri. The Democrats expect to elect fifteen fif-teen congressmen. David It. Francis and James Reed, leading candidates for the Democratic nomination for the United Stairs senate, will not close their campaign until late tonight. Guthrie, Nov 7. At Democratic headquarters today the prediction was made that Lee Crude, the Democratic Demo-cratic candidate for governor, and the t jit Ire Democratic state ticket woulj te elected by more than 10 boo votes The Republicans claim they will elect the state ticket ami at least three congressmen. I Concord, N. H., Nov. 7, Chairman Edmund S. Cook, of the Republican state committee, today adhered to his claim that liass would le elected bv between 0,000 and 8,000 plurality and both Republican congressmen would bo re-elected, j John 13. James, one of the Demo-I Demo-I cratlc state committee, was equally emphatic In declaring that the Democrats Demo-crats would elect the goeinor and i nt least ono congressional seat now j occupied ly Congressman Sulloway. |