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Show SUTHERLAND AMONG THOSE WHO MAY 00 WASHINTON. Nov. (-..-Great, aro the odds against such a contingency, a general political land slide at the polls next Tuesday might result la a IemocTatle senate a$ well as a Democratic house. Of th ninety-two seats Id the senate, sen-ate, thirty become Taeant March i. Of tb thirty positions, twenty-four are held by Republicans, a circumstance circum-stance unusually propitious for the Democracy, as it gnres them pro-I pro-I portionately more opportunities for gain. ' The Republican senators whose I terms expire aj: Aldrleu of Rhode Island: Beverldge of Indiana; Rulkley of Connecticut; Burkett of Nebraska; Burrows of Mlchlean; Carter of Montana; Clapp of Minnesota; Claik of Wyoming; De-pew De-pew of New York; Dick of Ohio; Duron Du-ron t of Deleware; Flint of California; Hale of Maine: Kean of New Jersey; Lafollette of Wisconsin; 1jdge of Massachusetts; IcCumler of North Dakota; Nixon of Nevada; Oliver of Pennsylvania; Page of Vermont; Piles of Washington; Scott of West Virgin-la: Virgin-la: Sutherland of Utah and Warner of Missouri |