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Show BALTIMORE SEES A FLYING MACHINE I Baltimore, Nov. 7. With thous-I thous-I nnds of persons gathered in the streets, upon rof tups aud at every point of vantage, wllnessinu the spac-tacle, spac-tacle, Hubert Latham, the French aviator. flaw over Baltimore today for the i' 000 prize oiTered bv the Sun and Eenlng Sun. , i Latham need his ."0-horse power Antoinette atid consumed 12 minutes, 10 seconds In uiakinK the. round trip from the aviation field, covering nn approximate distance of 22 miles nnd sailing over a routo chosen, .to afford af-ford the best possible view of tbe Might to the inhabitant;,' of Tkilti- more. ' i : . |