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Show OGDEN THEATRE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 ONE NIGHT ONLY. SEATS, TUESDAY, 10 A. M. I ORPHCUM.., THEATER Thursday, Nov, "W 'SI : I S ONE NIGHT ONLY WMA l : mmm-1 J BLANCHE m!' t jxl I 'f j ! In HeF Greatest Success j "The Oilier Woman" By FREDERIC ARNOLD MUMMER f I Hazel Belnap, a former Ninth grad? graduate, left Hooper this morning for Moreland. Idaho, where 6he expects ex-pects to make her home with her sister. sis-ter. LEGAL. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the District Court of We-ber County. Utah: Utah Salngs & Trust Comian, a Corporation, Plalnt'ff, vs. Walter Bramwell and George W. Brain well , 1 )e fend a n t.s The Great Henry Miller at the Orpheum tonight To be sold at sheriff's sale on the I'.Oth day of November 1910, at 1-O 1-O Clock Noon, at the front door of the Weber County Court House, in Ogden Cltv, Weber County, Utah, to-wlt: to-wlt: A part of the Southwest and Southeast South-east quarters, of Section 5, In Township Town-ship C North Range 2 West Salt Lake Meridian, U. S. Survey, and particularly particu-larly described ns follows beginning I at a point on the South bank of canal 123'? feet South and 132 feet West from the Northwest corner of the said Southeast 14 of said Sectlrm 5. thence South 20S.7i"i feet, thence southerly to n point 260 12 feet south of a point. 130.V20 feet east from be- 1 ginning, thence North S10 feet more or less to center of Weber River, thence down the center of said river West -iud Southerly to a point east Any skin-Itching Is a temper tester. The more you scratch the worse Jt itches. Doan's Ointment cures piles, eczema any skin Itching. At all drug stores. 01 beginning, tnenee west to beginning, begin-ning, containing fj.G acres. Also a part of Lot 30 In Plat "B", In Plain City Survey, beginning at the Southwest corner of said l-ot " and running thence nonh ten chains, thence east five chains, thence south ten chains, thence west five chains to the place of beginning. A part of the West 1-2 of tho Northwest North-west Quarter of Section 2ti. in Town- ship 7, North Rangv 2 West. Salt Like Meridian. U. s. Survey, beginning at a point S75 feet West of the North-cast North-cast Corner of the West 12 of the Northwest quarter of said Section, and running thence South 7C6.5 f?ct-thence f?ct-thence east 419.3 feet, thence south 1S71 feet more or less to the South line of said 1-1 Section, thence West S6I.3 feet more or less to the Southwest South-west comer of said 1-1 Section, thence North 2C-I0 foot more or less to tbe Northwest corner of said 1-1 section, thence East 4IG feet more or less to the place of beginning; containing forty live acres, all situated In Weber County. Utah. B. If. WHO.V. Sheriff of Weber County, Utah. By T. B. Bulk, Deputy. I READ THE CLASSIFIED , PAGE. |