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Show to be construed as a denial of the presence and activity of that organism In the present outbreak. Birds Liable to Infection. Where coccldlosls hag invaded a flock of birds there results such a destruction of the mucoua membrane lining the Intestinal tract that tho birds become exposed to Infection by various pathogenic bacteria moro or less commonly found In the alimentary alimen-tary tract, or to the absorption of poisons produced by even non-disease producing bacteria normally present In the digestive passages. Apaln, such bird.? would become an easy pray to pathogenic bacteria or putrefactive poisons introduced from without, especially when tholr feeding I grounds cover such Immense eewage 'deposits as In the case under consideration. consider-ation. Thus birds affected with coccldlosls coccldl-osls are exposed to auto-lnfectlon and auto-lntoxlcatlon fiom witnout. Henco you can readily underetand how d f-ferent f-ferent birds from the same locality might glvo various positive bncterlo- i logic findings, or oven where Intoxication Intoxi-cation was the immediate cauae of ' death, negative bacterloloc'c results. I Just, where the birds pick up the coccldla would be dliVicult to prove. J However, It appears to be a logical j necessity to Incriminate the sewage deposits on the feeding grounds, so that the Question naturally arises as to whether any method of disinfection could be tried. Advises Making Test. If you have any club grounds that would make possible an attempt to disinfect a limited area. It might be well to make a test. Almost all of our best disinfectants are so greai.lv reduced by contact with organic material ma-terial that they would be absolutely out of tho question iw the condition- that obtain on the grounds Involved. Lime appears to offer the most hope 1 of success. Fresh unslaked iimo, even though Hi appeared likely that it would slake rapidly after being spread over the grounds, would in all probability, proba-bility, prove a severe Irritant to a largo number of birds. A'r-slaked lime U so frequently hard and lumpy that it would be practically useless. Lime that has been forced to slake quickly to a powder, and then spread quickly over the grounds In question would probably give some very satisfactory satis-factory results I believe you would find It worth while to make the trial J R. MOM LEU. Chief Division of Pathology. SEWERS CAUSE DUCniSEiSE After making bacteriological tests and Investigating tho problem thoroughly, thoro-ughly, the United States bureau of an'mnl Industry has written the following fol-lowing report to Fred W. Chambers, fltate fish and game commissioner, regarding re-garding the sickness of ducks in Utah: Washington. D O Oct. 31, 1910. As a result of a conversation with r'". T. S. Palmer, In charge of fame preservation, biological survey. I am led to follow my letter of October 22 with the following suggettion with reference to disinfection as a means of prevcntlng( or a least diminishing the virulence of the duck plague at Salt Lake City. The failure of this oftlre to find the fowl cholera organism lu the ducks shipped to Washington Is not |