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Show 1 -tf.rS When the mercury begins its downward course there's no telling ': just where it will stop so be prepared with a warm, comfortable f vi;; 'ni'f-- il I stylishly taUored overcoat that will grive satisfaction both as to wear I I ;i: M&:J k I ancl aPPcarance. . . 4 j M ffi i'.f j Wc havc just what you want in the above overcoats that arc of mVi:fi&t I expert, careful cutting and manufacture and the best of thig sea- I -'WA I son's fabrics and styles. I fitfi fAM $10 TO $35 VII 111 i fi nh I The sarae applies with equal force to our suits. Y VCAM $10 TO $35 , ' Pis Watson-Tanner Clothing Co 37G 24tH "Where the Clothes Fit." Blan ch a r Better Not Merely" Better Butter Bet She Best Better There is no known plan or process lv which it is possible to make butter purer, sweeter, fre.ier or inure palat iable than U Blanchard Butter. There is no cleaner, purer nciim iiiiYwhero in tho world than that gathered jmd used liy us in 1 ho infilling of Blanchard Butter. There is no more perfect apparatus for testing and pasteurizing I ho cream than ours. There are no more modern or complete creamery plants iu America than we are running to full capacity to supply tho demand for Blanchard Butter. There is no other iviiiititv in the inlerinountain country thai is at all times kept in such cleanly and sanitary condition as ours where Blanchard Butter is made. Why shouldn't the best dealers sell it? They do! BLANCHARD BUTTER. BLANCHARD EGGS. BLANCHARD MILK-FED POULTRY. ALL KINDS OF DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED CHEESE. The Great Henry Miller at the Orpheum tonight 1 U Ty v. ": A WEEK iM F RE ' This is the machine invented by Wm. C. Free of Chicago, the machine which you havc read so much about in the magazines the machine which has a score of altoccthcr new improvements and the machine which is sold at a price so much lower than you are accustomed to pay for the highest grade sewing machine, that it wc told you what the price was, it would prejudice you against the machine. ma-chine. We insist on showing you the machine and its points of superiority su-periority before telling you what a bargain it really is. And to give you a better chance still ol finding out for yourself how perfect it i and to show you our absolute confidence in The FREE, we want you to give it 3DaysTrMSHomeDr Try this machine tet it sew with it on all kinds of material if you then are not entirely satisfied if you are not convinced that it is the bent machine you have ever sewed on the most improved the most up-to-date if the low price does not convince you that this is the biggest bargain you hae ever bought, return the machine to us and we will refund your deposit so that the trial u'i not tut you a cent. Yw hivr'i inr iJe bow ll will rerwlw c id kow 4c!lih4 roa will t lo k li ltr jo hi Hnj o li loi J'J dirt. W kio tbii o wou'ii Mr ili!nk ol pirtlaf wli It. Llkf ill n woire yc will be In lluiirt ol nciifoifoi tJ entbsilica booi ee bust tw l-irriioo d Tit FREE. Oor (If ino lot c'loC r" bi I'ir liltl ollri. It bfcauM w wtat r'j a ' " ,0 ),- is kc Ihe icil biiF ol 111 Pacb lr itut" to Iti rf (eel 6ii ooi ibn In ' ot Bill .... brvlDit b niJe Tb Fit Eg the lie'eu t. ..lle np.nsl.t- ru.ol.fM.lot ohlo. I Ike wo.U. to oolite ibn iKe "Boiooclllo ' mnf me I. io lro lb lo ol i Rourr Spool Plt. wbick trot Mi. Free i fti't to latest. Sh'jitle Eirctci. lmrc4 Hei4 L'ct. mkei Tbe FREE finer ibin ide Ijnnt to- i-iaite Fees- m Aoiomi!c Tbiei4 Cooiioiltr, - lirr io4 ilaiplei tbia Oie iiiefIciI ibaitlo Aadeiiik l-ockiof. Ditveti, aea koiii oi aacbl&e. oiber iiaprovcneoti. Come Tomorrow and See T5e FREE and take it home with you for a month's trial Call at my store for a ticket to draw on the free Sew- ing Machine to be given away NOVEMBER 29th. a T. TERRY. 2419 GRANT AVE. Hair Health If You Have Sca'p or Mair Trouble, Take Advantage of This Offer We f-onlrj not afford to so strongly strong-ly endorse Rexall "13 Hair Tonic r-nd continue lo sell It ;is we do. if it r. id not do all we claim H will. Should our enthusiasm carry us away, ond Rexall "W Hair Tonic not nlve entire satisfaction to the users, thev ould lose faith In us and our statc-i.ients. statc-i.ients. and in cotisenuen,"p our business busi-ness firfsllRO would suffer W assure jou that If vour hair is beglnuliiK to unnaturally fall nut or If you have any scalp trouble"-, Rexall "93 ' Hair Tonic will promptly erad- icate dandruff, stimulate balr growth iuid prevent premature baldness. Our faith In Rexall "93 " Hair Tonic Is so strong that we ask you to try It on our positive guarantee that your money will be cheerfully refunded If It does not do as we claim. Two sues, 5"c and $!.(". sold only at our store The Rexall Store. T. H. Carr, 2c.th and Grant. UNSURPASSED FOR SCENIC GRANDEUR When going West, be sure to go via the worl d's pictorial route, the WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY THE NEW CROSS-CONTINENT LINE For one hnndreil miles throuph the marvelous gorpu or" the Sierras the Feather River tan yon, I'.-ilnt inl Trains and Perfected Service, affording- every comfort known to railroad Urnvtl. Smooth, speedy, safe Through new land, scenes, cities. For information and sleeping sleep-ing car reservations, ask any Ticket Aprnt, or address I I. A. BENTON, G A. P. D. E. L. LOMAX, G. F. HERR, Judge Bld., Salt Lake City Passenger Traffic Manager Asst. Gen'l Passenger Agt. ; SAN FRANCISCO,' CALIFORNIA. CITY TICKET OFFICE. IN REED HOTEL, OGDEN UTAH. Mr. and Mrs. I). H Kahrf of Pes Moines, Iowa, have been the guests ' of Mr and Mrs. T. H. Cnrr during ', ln fan week. j i I Both Phones 323. j THEATRE AN EXCELLENT BILL Joseph Hart't "DINKELSPIEL'S CHRISTMAS." By Georg V. Hobart, at presented at the Lamb' Gambol, New York, r WATER BURY BROS, and TENNY The Favorite Mutical Comedians THE FIVE ALPHAS Who Make the Hoopa Manipulate. JEANETTE .ADLER And Her "Pick," In Character Songs and Funny Dance. Symphonic Cleverness with a Dash of Comedy, HYMAN MEYER "The Man the Piano." That Restless Pair. LANE and O'DONNELL i ''Looping the Bumps." ! ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA KlNODROME, LATEST NOVELTIES l Children's Matinee, Wednesday, at ; 3; 30, and Saturday it 2:15. Mis F.llen Thomas was among the Salt Lake visitors this wee); to hear the Jessie- Gavnor lecture and the Madame L-Ua LcUiuau concert. |