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Show 77 clash between medical ride p- nea A lvtf24!Y FSJN and old-fashioned mother instinct nr. Bp s iPVk T 5 TJ AVE you felt the clash? Has something come pa FT! U (W PuKl? A"! between you and your bab) something that igi ' ((' vYf checks your mother instinct that reduces ; fi R J your proprietorship in your own child? , W Ml l$fL Medical science has introduced new rules into baby- m $4 dom. Many an old-fashioned mother who was sue- v ft i I If M J cessful with her own babies is to-day seeing her ; I jHI I grandchildren reared by methods she docs not wholly j i St j I I approve. iiia tSs . III 1 I I 'ie new rncthods evolved by is endeavoring to stimulate a jjj ti li If scientific men devoted to their more intelligent interest in rr 1 W I 3 II work cannot be altogether babies by conducting a remark- -Vj IfiV Vifi f p 1 1 wrong, neither can the old able Baby Contest. Cash re- u fW I iU al methods which have come from wards amounting to about I ipk !& rt r centuries of devoted mother- 3,000 are ollered. Sec the 'iQ l a la fi hood. Yet in many homes the November number, for lull '4-: tj I W' r 11 w a new and the old are clashing, particulars. ftl R V)$ ?1 1 1 lif HSS Do you want light on this qucs- woni.i yu rc i meer ti... rdiion nnd ?: ft J BE a tion i Margaret Sutton Briscoe in iutinmto lonvcrMitn.n? riu v would jy": IB Vii?! f3f I discusses it very thoroughly, llk" to .-T Viun oul rou,'" K I I VVyry J B l--af fl i i i i"i will accoinplioh it. Uo iO now. tj ji&f M f j very fairly and very helpfully Wi I fjf IB I M j in Good Housekeeping Maga- Ph(! , Pobll,u Co. J M I If J M I zine for November. Her art- t?l sgfi.id, !W Y ' j I J V II iffll g icle "The Hospitalized Child " a hh to know mors about fi-, m I 1 I VM S I ffyl I is certain to arouse national at- 1 lcke,-, MAF.e-i5 person . i a 1 V-if g ' gi&l g ii- ntl anil t(s purpoif. Vf. iHJ i I JAj g I S Mention. Do not overlook it. r; fti I V W h 3,000 for babies ! In honor """ t fff in silver anniversary, tii4- V$ l Ciood Housekeeping Magazine I - P l M Ii W 1 s wj i I ' npasekeepm ;;rr:r 1 few S . Conducted in t6e Interests c vp f tbeJw6erfioft6e7&isec:c ga The Great Henry Miller at the Orpheum tonight Dyspepsia is our national aliment Ibirdock Plood Bitters is the national cure for it It strengthens stomach membranes, promotes flow of digestive diges-tive Juices, purifies the blood, builds you up Coke IS Ihe Fuel j Try ft! l i I vwmt the people of Opjilcn to know that Ihe p.ise limine j r coke is the nicest iiml che.-ipest fuel mil luiv jif $4.."i0 jmt '. ton. It will burn in your furnace longer without iitlention Hum coal. Do not try to hum I urge lumps in a small stove, j, break them and the coke will lay closer and not ,ro out when ' only a sm.ill fire is needdl. ; p Coktf does not stop up the flues. here bvitijr no sunt or s 1; smoke when burning. Coke, like k'as. is Ihe ideal find. I'.eeker f ',; llicwin iS: M.illmjr Co.. hupe-Williams Candy Co.. bakeries and blacksmiths arc all usiiii; eoke. If ou have never used it you may hesitate, and delay that whieh is lo our advantage k We will send an expert to teach you how to use il free of (harpe. lie sun- and shut off the draught as much as possible j after you start your lire, as coke burns hot with bin little ; draught. You can mix your slack coal wilh it, which makes P j the fire mote lasling and uniform. UTAH LIGHT & RAILWAY CO. j I D. DECKER, Local Manager. ' U ii "Belter f;Pi 0fr the ticket. There's fuly a chance in a million of jxnir l'lru? elected." "If 1 get off there won't bo that chance." Exchange. F T ' .; .vv :'J t , .." "j. ! ; I Regular and Systematic g deposits in the Hank are what swell your fund lo I ' j pood-sized proportions, f I It certainly will be very satisfactory to know fit j that you have plenty of money in reserve for cmer- j Speneie.x and at your command whenever you need it. t F i Your account is cordially invited. f I i . g . Four per cent interest paid on Savings Ac- I t J I Capital Stock $10U 000.00 d j; jfl Surplus and Profits $105,000.00 '' (Iff- - neiiJLjamj&aM ! l i i ; t i i "Just Say" It Means Original and Genuine MALTED VIE LEI The Food-drink (or All lgs. More Lcaltliful than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with the weakest digetion. Delicious, mvigorating and nutjiuous. Rich tnillc, malted prain, powder form. A qnick lonch prepared in a minute. Take no substitute. Aik for HORLICK'S. Others are imitations. HELP SAVE YOU Doctor's bills for your growing children! chil-dren! Stop feeding them heavy bread nnd give them Instead, light wholesome, itrcngth giving bread made from PEERY'S CRESCENT FLOUR All children l!'e brea and butter Be sure tbey have the best by ordering order-ing Peery's Creocent Flour today. |