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Show LEGAL- (Com nued.) Si reels and 2nh Street from Wall to Nye Avenues; known a9 Sewer District Dis-trict No. 10S, hereby give notice that they will meet at the City Engnw-r's Of nee. City Hall, Ogden City. Utah, from 9 o'clock a. m , to 5 o'clock p. m., for five consecutive days, commencing I Monday, November 7th, 1910, to and Including November 11th, 1010, and will remain In session on each of these days, during Bald houra, for th pur-pose pur-pose of hearing any person feeling 1 aggrieved, and to make correction of any tax deemed unequal or unjust, and during tbe Bluln? of said Board, the special and local taxes levied and as-sessed as-sessed as above stated, will then and there bo open to public inspection. By Order of th Board, C. J. HUMP1IRIS. Chairman. First publication November Sth, 1910. I-aet publication November 12th, 1910. NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW. C. J. Humphrls, H. E. Pcery, G. A. Mckson, T. S. Browning and Geo. W. Wilsnn. having be-n dulv appointed by the City Council of Oi?dn City. Utah, as a Bvard of Flqualizmlon and Re-viw Re-viw of the special and local taxes lvlrd and assessed by ordinances pub-1 llsbfd Novenibi'r r.th. 1910. upon irop- rly abutting on both side of Washington Wash-ington Aepue from Oirden Klver Uridge to 22nd Sfret; Hudson Avenue from 21th to 2.'th Struts, known as Paving District No 12: 33rd Stret from Wanh. to Grunt Avcnie, Cod-dard Cod-dard Avenue from Wah. to Grant Av-nu; Av-nu; Grant Avenue from 32nd to 33rd |