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Show HUNTSVILLE CITY HALL IS SOLD Pursuant to an order of the district court the old city hall of Huntsvlllo and (he cleetrlc llgbt distributing system sys-tem of the defunct city, were sold at public auction, at the court house, at the noon hour today. there were quite a number of led-decs led-decs at Ihe sale and the property was sold for about all that It will bring on the market, say some of the lluntsvllle people who were a' the sale and bid on the property. Cashier Ralph lloag of the I 'tab National bank of this city was the highest bidder bid-der for the city hall, It being .-dd to him for $s23. The highest bidder for the electric light distributing svstem was ex-Mayor !. M. Nelson of lluntsvllle, llunts-vllle, be paying J.i.'O for the place. At the 11 me the order for the sale of this properlv was made b the court. Hnntsville was owing something some-thing like $2,nou and u was anticipated anticipat-ed that the property In question would sell for that amount. There were many Huntsville men at i be sale, and they took considerable consider-able Interest In the disposition of the property It appears, that the proper ty brought all that It Is worth. It Is intimated by some of the Hnntsville people that Mr Iloag was purchasing the old hall for the I'tah National bank, the banking concern having In mind the. establishment of a brnnch banking Bystem In the city of the upper valley. It is also expected ex-pected that the electric lighting system, sys-tem, purchased by Mr. Nelson, will be continued in operation. ' |