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Show AGED MAN FALLS, KATHJESULTS The death of John Stolberg at Eleventh street and Washington .ne-cuo .ne-cuo Saturday evening- at 7 o'clock i8 supposed to have been caused by falling fall-ing down an embankment with u wheelbarrow loaded with rallrrjad ties. Mr. Stolberg was 71 years old. The aged man struck his head against the metal frame of the wheelbarrow, wheel-barrow, fracturing the bone of tho nr.se, but death is believed to have resulted from Internal injuries. The man was dead when found by Oscar Savage, near whose home tho accident occurred. Stolberg resided at the corner of Ninth bt.reet and Grant avenue and was employed by the Rapid Transit company on track construction work Saturday evening after coming homo from work he went over to Washington Wash-ington avenue for a load of old ties which bad been given to bun by the foreman. With a number of ties loaded on tbe wheelbarrow Stolberg started for home, and had proceeded as far as Eleventh street when, in the Jusk of the evening, the wheelbarrow ran off tho path and down an embank-rient embank-rient for a distance 01" about three feet, lr is supposed that ibis caused the deceased to pitch foiward, and in falling he struck his head and sustained the internal Injuries which resulted Jn his death. Mr. Savage found Stoiberg lying near the overturned wheelbarrow, with blood (lowing from his nose and i-jouth. Realizing thnt th? man bad been badly Injured, he summoned a Physician and then notified the police po-lice department. When the physl clan arrived he pronounced the man dead Before the body had been removed from the scene of the accident a ten-ln law of the decease 1. Andrew , Anderson, arrived In Kcyr.-li of 'his I relative, the family having become I alarmed when he did not return to Hs home. The sad news was then conveyed to tbe waltiug wife and S daughter at home The body was removed lo I.iint-qulst's I.iint-qulst's undertaking parlors.- It is not P'Obable that an inquest will be nec-esrary. nec-esrary. The deceased celebrate.! his 71st birthday anniversary yestordav. Although Al-though well advanced in years, he vas a man of exceptionally largo stulure, weighing more than 225 louuds. and this fact mav have somo bearing on the fatal results of the fail he received. Stolherg wns a native of Sweden, years jiro Since coming to Ogden t'e bad been employed both bv the city and the street car company. in addition to tho wife ho Is survived sur-vived by three daughters and two cs; two daughters reading In Og- i0"." bon ar"1 OQfi daughter in fcult Lake, and one non in Norway- |