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Show INSPECTION! OF MILES I OF ROAD During the present week a special Inspection of the Utah, Montana. Ida-bo Ida-bo and Salt Lake divisions of trie Har-timan Har-timan lines, operated by the Oregon, Short Line management, will be made. 1 hh inspection w ill Include tracks, roadways, buildings, shops, terminal jards and round houses and prize-medals prize-medals will be given to tlo? various departments which are fouud to be In best condition Superintendent T. F. Rowlands, Assistant As-sistant Superintendent Thomas Fltz-M-rahl. Assistant Superintendent D. H'ckey of Sparks, and Koadmaslor J. E. Toombs of Sparks left this morning morn-ing for Pocatello from which poi.iT the Inspection tour will start. W. H. Pancrott,- vice-president fMid general manager of the district to bo covered, will be in personal charro of the inflection. in-flection. It is expected the Ogden equipment' will bo the lart to be inspected in-spected and all cf the local departments depart-ments are expected to be the recipients recipi-ents of official blue ribbons. |