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Show meBSt With the election only twenty four hours distant the interest in the coming com-ing battle of ballots Is at Its height and a sure Judication of the greatest fictlvlty ever seen at an election In Yeber county Is evidenced by the fact that both tho Republican and Democratic Demo-cratic lenders sincerely believe their fiag of victory wilt wave over the courthouse after next dunary. These lellelH are. manifest in authorized au-thorized Interviews which have been given out by Samuel C. Dve, chairman chair-man of the Republican county organization. organi-zation. When seeu, Chairman Dye said; Chairman Dye's Statement. ' I don"t think there ever wn3 a time when the Republicans were better organized and better prepared for an election than they are now. The reports re-ports from our canvassers an 1 precinct pre-cinct officials throuehrut the county Indicate that majorities will be even larger than they were two years ago. "While there has been considerable agitation on the temperance question. 1 bel'evo the campaign speakers and political workers have s-atlr fa.toi ily explained to tlie people that the position posi-tion of the Republican party on the temperance question Is the only correct cor-rect way of solving this problem and suppressing the liquor truffle. "'In the city of Ogden I estimate the Republican majority at not less than and returns from the country districts will swell this to 1 r.0i. I am of the opinion that the large attendance at-tendance at the meeting Saturday night is a sure indication of the Republican Re-publican vlctor next Tu.sday." Chairman Brownlng'o Statement. That Chairman Crowning is equally certain of the success of li I a party is shown in the following statement made by him last night- "So far sis th campaign is concerned concern-ed throughout the county I believe that we have already won. At the opening of the campaign the Republicans Republi-cans cla'med Suu majority and thU. was gradually lowered' to l.nuo. After Af-ter another canvass of the county they have lowered this figure to and I expect their next estimate will be that they have lo.vi .M majority. '1 firmly believe thai we will carry the county and the state. I feel certain cer-tain of Ogden City b'duse I don't believe the people, of this city will line, up with th" sn loons, camblers and red light district, "The. temperance question Is .1 moral mor-al issue and I th.nk the people ore in favor of reform because the tipht-enluR tipht-enluR up in Idaho and other states has resulted n mnny criminals coming com-ing to Ogden and 1 think that we need a cleaning up here. All the churches and the Uellerment league have declared for prohlb.llon and 1 don't see how a landslide for the Deiebocrallc parly can be avoided "Wo have u'so declared for a railroad rail-road connilsslon and I nm sure Uie people see the need of .mich a commission commis-sion for they had a pr.irt'eal lesson last week in the advance in the prk-o of coal. "The women of Ogdn City are help, ing un materially nnd nio.-;t of our workers are Hepuhlicnns in politics and are working without remuneration remunera-tion because they wlsn to see better conditions In our county." |