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Show slmlltude?" the lawyer asked the wit- ness. "What was that, sir?" "I say, did his conduct wear an air of verlslmlltude?" "Oh," replied the witness. "Sure! Tie was erlelmllltudein' all around the place."Phlladelihia Saturday Evening Tost. The Truth About It. "Willard." said Aunt Lncla recently with a reproving shaVe of her finger, "there was an apple pie on the pantry shelf this morning and now It has disappeared. dis-appeared. I didn't think It was In you. 1 didn't, Indeed. Willard!" ' Tisn't all in mp, either!' cried the little fellow quickly. "Half of it's In Dorothy." The Housekeeper. An Open-Air Cure. 'I told dat feller I was so flat broke I had to sleep outdoors," said Plodding Plod-ding Pete. "Did It touch his heart?" asked Meandering Me-andering Mike. "No He paid ho whs doing the same thing, an' had to pay de doctor for tellln' him what a hlssln' It was!" Washington Star. The Perilous Pyrologist. "That was only a little hundred- dollar dol-lar fire," said one insurance man. "But think of the danger of life and llmh." "Was there any?" "I should ay so! You ought to have seen the fire chief's automobile dashing dash-ing down the street.' Washington Star. Now He Knows, "Today." remarked a pretty widow, "Is the fifth anniversary of my wedding." wed-ding." "Indeed! And at what age were you married?" nsked a bachelor. "At the parsonage!" was answered. Tit-Bits. When Love Reigns, "love will find a way." The poets often sny. But will It llnd three meals a day And a five-room flat? Nay, nay! Alas, nay, nay- Chicago News. A Definition. "Pa," said little Willie Wantaknow, "what is a 'don't worry philosopher?' philoso-pher?' " "He Is a man who makes a living, my json. worrying about other people s worries." said Mr. Wantaknow. Harper's Har-per's Weekly. JUST FOR FUN Their Bungalow. 'S.v anything of Jim PlIderH while you was up to the city?" asked the village' vil-lage' grocer. "Yep. Ron acrost him on the street one. rnornlu' answered the worthy butcher who has just roturned to the little town. "Understand Jim's Hvln pretty well up there." "I dunno. Ast h!m where he was llvln', an' he said him and his family-was family-was Bottled lu a bungholc in the country." coun-try." Judge, j A Willing Wltnee. "Did hla actionn have un air of verl- |