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Show NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY. Pursuant to Fcetlon 17S of the Compiled Com-piled Ijiwa of 1'tnh. 1907. and the authority au-thority vested In me lv said section, I. the undersigned THOMAS B. FARR, treasurer of Ogden City, Wbcr county, coun-ty, Utah, hereby give public notice thot a special tax amounting to' $1,789.00 has been levied for Curb nnd Gutter District No. f2 for the purpose of constructing concrete curbs and gutters in said district by an ordinance duly passed hy the City Council of Ogden City, Utah, and approved ap-proved by the Mayor of said c'tv on October 10th 1910, said taxes being levied on all of the abutting property on the following streets comprising said Curb and Gutter District No. 102. All that part of both sides of Adams Ad-ams Ave, between 20th and 2lst streets. The said Lix Is payable In five installments: in-stallments: The llrst Installment becomes delinquent de-linquent Derrinlor Sth, 1910. The second Installment becomes delinquent de-linquent October 19th. 1911. j The third installment becomes de-; de-; linqueut October 19th, 1912. The fourth Installment becomes delinquent de-linquent October 19lh, 1913. The fifth Installment becomes delinquent de-linquent October 19th. 1914 Each of sulrl Installments, except the lirat. shall draw Interest at tie rate of 7 per cent per annum, from tho date of the levy aforesaid, and If any or either of said Installments shall le unpaid wheu they become de-linquent. de-linquent. interest thereon shall bo 10 Her cent per annum, unt!l such de. linquent assessments are fullv paid. Said tax shall be enforced and collected collect-ed as In any other case of special tax and If not paid the property on which said lovy l made will be advertised ad-vertised and sold according to law. ThU special tax Is payable at my ' office at the City Hall. Ogden, Utah THOMAS B. FAKR. City Treanurer. Ogden City, Utah. ' By C. T. Koons, Deput. |