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Show ROBBER USED POISON ON , WOMEN One of the most puzzling cases with which tJie local police' dt-pnrlment h;u ever had to copo'Lt that In which a modern "llluebcard" figures pioml-neutly. pioml-neutly. This man is said to bo 11. F. Llovd and lie is under arrest charged with polsoniug three women, all nt-Uchos nt-Uchos of the Red Light district, within with-in the past ten days. None of his victims died but only prompt action of a physician saved the life of tbo man's last victim, who was poisoned last night. Through information in-formation secured by Delects o James Pender, Lloyd was arrested in a Twenty-fifth street rooming house last night and held on suspicion. The strange- part of thi unparalleled unparallel-ed poison plot Is the fact that the man's motive was not robbery. Tho onlv explanation offered by the police po-lice Is that Lloyd, If he be thogu'lly party, is Buffering from a mania which prompts him to take the lives of women wo-men such as ho Is believed to have attacked In the past ten days. According to the police, who have been working on the case ever since the first woman was poisoned ten day days ago. Lloyd's plan was to enter the apartments of a woman and buy a bottle of beer. Then when the woman wo-man wa3 not looking he is said to have placed a drug, believed to be morphine. In his victim's glnss. After the woman was overcome by the effects of the drug the man would leave the place without making an attempt to rob his victim. In tho two cases previous to last night it was necessary to call a physician and In each one the women were said to have suffered from the effects of an overdose of morphine. Last nieht the third woman was found lying unconscious on a bed In her apartments. A physician was summoued and it was only through the use of a stomach pump that her life was saved. She Is still In serious lire was saved, sne is sun in serious condition but it is believed that she will recoer. Like the other two cases, the woman suffered from morphine poisoning. Through his investigations Detective Detec-tive Pender secured a description of the man who administered the poison In each case and after satisfying himself him-self that ft was 'Lloyd, the chief detective de-tective stationed Detectives Ward-low Ward-low and Burke in the rooming house to watch for the man. He came to his room about 11 o'clock last night and was placed under arrest by the officers. 1 At police headquarters Lloyd denied aay Knowledge of the poisoning cases and said that he was a miner from Salt Lake. At the rooming houso Lloyd resisted the officers who attempted at-tempted to place him under arrest and explained this by stating that he thought he was al-out to be held up. When arrested the man had $130 In his possession. In speaking of the caso last night Detective Pender stated that be was satisfied that Lloyd was the man who had administered the poison and thai he would be held on the charge ef attempted at-tempted murder. Later developments Indicate that there was method in the seeming madness mad-ness of the alleged poisoner. Two of the victims of Lloyd, after identifying identi-fying the man at the police station this morning, stated to the police that when they recovered from the Illness duo to the pol3onlng. they found that their apartments haj been robbed, one of these women stated that Sll had been taken from her room and the other claims that she found that a ten-dollar bill had been stolen from her during her unconsciousness. This theory of robbery as a motive removed one of the nuzzling features of the man's strange crime. The detectives, de-tectives, who have examined the prisoner, pris-oner, assert that the man appears to be entirely rational and claims that he Is a mining man of considerable means. When arrested, Lloyd had in his pocket a lottle of dark liquid which Dr. William J. Browning, the physician physi-cian who treated two of the victims, asserts is moFt likely laudanum. The contents of this vlal wlll be analyzed as soon as possible There seems no mistaking this bottle as the one which was seen by two of the victims The girls stited that they had seen the man take a bottle from his pocket, the cork of which was wrapped with paper to make H fit more tichtlv. Just i.tji-i iu niaKe 11 111 more iignuy, just as described bv the victims, the cork of the bottle in the possession of the police Is wrapped with a small piece of white paper which one would notice no-tice and rememlK-r after once seeing the vial. Lloyd has friends In the city who ere making a determined effort to se'-curc se'-curc his release on ball but the police po-lice are making just as determined an effort to hold the man under lock and key until the case can be fully investigated. |