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Show A specific for pain Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil, strongest, cheapest liniment lini-ment ever devised A household remedy rem-edy In America for 25 years. t -THE -SALE OM BOYS CLOTHING .IS STILL ON This week we are making another cut in price 4 (IFF AI3 Boys Go!Mng mast go. Come whiJe tlte picking is fine KUHN'S Modern Clothes "cr-on SliOF wm JJ NOT AT ALL SURPRISING - IT'S A ROUND OAK FOR SALE EY GEO. A. LOWE CO. 2326 AND 2323 WASHINGTON AVENUE. 4 I OGDEN STATE BANK I M OGDEN, UTAH. &j ff'-"i " """"" " "" " " " " " ?-, J L' Interest paid on Savings Accounts and Time Cer- ?A J tif icates of Deposit. r'-3 d Capital $100,000.00 N Surplus 100,000.00 Lj Undivided Profits 20,000.00 M f! OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. ' fcj J4V' H. C. Blgelow, President. A. P. Bigelow, Cashier D bj! J. M. Browning, Vlce-Prest. J. E. Halverson, Asst. Caehr. M h'?. G. L. Becker. H. M. Rowe. J. N. Spargo. .0 p'. O. A. Parmley. E. L. Van Meter. John K. Spiers. K-' r . . i A iiiii Royal Bating f Powder tot- $ Biscuit is the luxury of eat- ing,tfieacmeof fiealtfiful food ?i ll-il Pare Tlie absolute protection of our bread, bis- $ cuit and cake from alum i3 S in tbe use of ; ROYAL Balking Powder only, U The only baldng powder made from Royal Grape " r Cream of Tartar, l CHAFEY GROUP PASSES TO SALT LAKE HANDS To satisfy a certain judgment, the Golden Dell Maj llower " Hnd Gdd Hope mining claims and millsite, .rojierty of the Chatx- Mines company, was sold here at sheriffs sale yes terday. The property was purchased by W. S. McCornick of Salt Lake City for $12,0 10. the nmmint of the .Judgment and costs of 6ult. This property id situated in the eijnip of Chafe and has a record as a producer of hich-grade gold oro. On this estate was located the famous "Ulaek Hole' bonanza that produce. I l.fmu tons of shipping ore in--"n month, making ChafoV 0110 of the busiest capitis in northern Nevada. Like mo8t of the valuable mines in the stft'f. it s'nin became involved Jn llligntiun, which tied up the property. prop-erty. However, it is said that there are large bod i ex of ore in the workings of the property and in proper hands, it. will be again producing- gold bullion. bul-lion. IMEDMfflSM WEAR KIDNEYS &THIH BLOOD Kot only is the blood the great nourishing source of our systems, but equally as important is its work of removing the waste of oxoilizJ tissues tis-sues which have been consumed in force and bodily heat. This waste is filtered out through the kidneys. When, however, the kidneys become weak and unable to perform their regular duties, the waste is allowed to remain in the circulation, soon forming uric acid which destroys the greater portion of nourishing elements of the blood and leave it weak an. I acrid. This imperfect blood deposits into the different muscles and joints the uratic impurity with which it is contaminated. Then the pains and aches of Rheumatism comme-ncc. Tho gritty formation which uric acid causes collects in the joints and produces pro-duces the aches and stiffness which :d ways accompany the disease. Like-vise Like-vise the muscles are coated and lose their elasticity, while the continual irritation to the nerves produces swelling swell-ing and inflammation of the flesh. I S. S, S. cures Rheumatism in fi Pi IhS tlie on1v way 's 'A W tl possible to over-VcK over-VcK V Com.e nc disease; V it cl can ses the I ;1 v y i bloejd of all uric ly tvj? acid poison and j strengthens the kidneys so they iire enabled to properly filter out the waste. S. S. S. is not only the best of blood purifiers, but a fine tonic. )Jook cn Rheumatism free to all who write X1IE 3WI1T SPECiriO CO . AtUtta, Ct, I I THE UTAH NATIONAL DANX Of OGDEN, UTAU 0FFER3 TO DEPOSITORS EVERY FACILITY WHICH THEIR BALANCES. BAL-ANCES. BUSINESS AND RE bPONSIBILITY WARRANT. J. E. Doo'y. President Horace E. Pesry, Vloe-Pre. Harold J. Pecry. Vlce-Preo. Ralph E. Hoag, Cashier. A- V. Mclntouh, As'L Coslder. I 1 Catarrh Quickly Cured by a Pleasant Germ-Killing- Antiseptic. The little Ilyonioi (pronounce it righ-o-me inhaler is made tf hard rubber, and can easily be carried in pocket or purse. It will last a lifetime life-time Into this inhaler you pour a few drops ed magical HYO.MKI. This Is absorbed by the antiseptic f.jtnze within, and now you are ready t.) breathe It in over the gerni-lnfect- il membrane, where it w ill spead-ily spead-ily begin its work of killing catarrh Minis HYO.MKI is made of Austral i.m eucalyptus combined with other .'on isept ics. and Is very pleasant to breathe. It Is guaranteed to cure catarrh, bronchitis, sore throat, croup, coughs iiiid colds, or money back It cleans out a stuffed-up head In two min-u'es. min-u'es. Sold by BADCON PHARMACY ami dii.ggiMs everywhere. Complete out-I't, out-I't, including indestructible pocket In-haler In-haler and one bottle oi IIYOMIil. $l.nii And remember. If you need a m cond bottle of HYOMICI. It will cost only r,0 cents. Free trial bottle of 1IYOMKI from Hooth's llvomei (?o., Ilcflalo. N. Y. U. S. DEPOSITARY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CGDEN. una CiplUI and Undivided Prflt 275,C00.CO )ovl$ Eoclea, Tre. G. H. Tribe, Vlco-Prem. John Watson. Vlce-Pre. M S. Brovruing. Vlce-Pre. John Plnpree, Cashier. Jas. F. MurtOQ. Asst. C&phlef. ALCOHOL IRONS. The Improved Modem Alcohol Self-heatingSad Irons are the most useful household invention of this age. They do away with hot stoves, expensive gas and electricity. elec-tricity. Modern Iron3 are odor-lees, odor-lees, never stick, streak or soot. The cost of fuel for same is five cents a week. These irons are highly endorsed by Mrs. John A. Boyle, 540 Twenty-eighth street, and other leading ladies of Og. den. Irons are on exhibition and sale at Boyle Hardware Co. l&egm Now! If you have r.ever used a BELL TELEPHONE in your office or home have one or more installed you'll soon wonder how you did without it. The time you save, the results you obtain, will more than pay the small cost. REASONABLE RATES Call tho Manager. S?i BELL N EMM V) SERVICE LI is satis- xkrvA FACTORY W COAL j Reck Springs, Clear Creek, Castle Gate, Grass Creek, Hiawatha. t Icock Springs delivered ..$6.50 Orass Creek, delivered. .. .$6.00 Castle Gate Slack, del.. -. .$375 . All other Coals, delivereil .$6.00 j PARKER COAL CO. 9 Rell Phono 193. lud. 1S2 j CRIPFLED SHOE SPECIALIST No matter what they look like, you will get them back new. In 15 minutes. OQDEN SHOE REPAIR FACTORY 333 24th Street ENGRAVING. REPAIRING. H. F. UPP Jewelry. Cut-Glnss. Hand Painted China, Etc. 2476 Grant Ave. Ogden, Utah. I HOW TO KEEP YOUR CLOTHES LIKE NEW J -' ment6 can be kept In buau-' buau-' l tllul coodlilon uutil worn ItiJ,' out by tnklus frequent ad-vantage ad-vantage of our dry cloauluy and pressing service Our dry cleaning process removes the roll and 6tain3 from jour cloth-Inp, cloth-Inp, freshens up the fabric, brlghteni tlu coloia and raises tho nap like Dew. It does not affect tho llfo or eo'or of even the most dainty or doll-caie doll-caie narmonts. Kvcry garment or article Is handled In euch pari of tho process by rklll-ful; rklll-ful; careful workers We uo iue gen-ulno gen-ulno French Di"y Cleaning process nf cleaning by apirils aud toiteiita, anj etc. ic-u RLould send your garments to us, und take advantage of this service. ser-vice. No article of uien or women's wear Is loo dainty for us to dry clean and finish satisfactorily aoJ our charj;rH sro not blh. Our Y'ressins service takffl out tha wrinkles, creasep nnd othT marks of wear. It cives the garments a now like f hapo and OL It removes all the baccincss lu tho knees and elbows, have thorouphly up-to-date equipment equip-ment OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. i-AUNDERERS AND FRENCH DRV CLEANERS- ' Phonoa 174. ' 437 26th SU I With a Severe Cough the I Eoweh Need a Lax- ativc. Make This Laxative Cough Syrup Cheaply at Home. o Any on. run muk'j :i full int of o flnf-ftl acting l.iTnllvo roijt.-li Hvrup for rilvnit 75 l K't rent".. About clKht llmoH rlxoiirr Ihun l.i lx-l.- J O ouk'h syruun. t'-';uio n pint O l.-iHt it family, a Imm llnii. l-'lr.si O t.lriln of my wr-ll-f lm-K..-d dnit;'- 0 kIM - 1-J oiinro of onrfnci' M. n- 0 Iho-l.ix'-no. rrnrily U Into :v ilnt li'iltlc. Thfti m.ikc a yru, wlih :i r-lnl of eramil.iK'd nuir.ir an.l " 11 hair p'n' of hr.UInK water Sllr, ? lot cool HlVl fill 1hrt l.otlli. Willi U10 T 9 yriip. Sli;iki wll nml l.-ik. u i-.(- m Hpoonf ul ovrry hour or two. Kient - v to ten done Unlly will nH ;v inlM )axntlo, cliprk I hi'iouwh in- Z j-uuitlv and euro il aopkor than ajiyihlnc you enn l.uv. Thlrf q syrup build wi tin; tun-nctti of thr Hynlm ami rti.ih.-s tho iimih m of thi- liiTiyn iimi throat hi-nllhy. o Chronic rann yl-lil most n-.nllly to Km benefirlu.1 union. tilvc j ' rhllilrcn Ii m iiccorilliiK to aL'-. 0 I WE ARE ON THE ALERT. For tho best that Is going in Feed, Hny and Grain Where ouly-Al pro-dicUi pro-dicUi are hnndled poor purchases are ; impossible. . Dealing with GROUT means money for you. CHAS. F. GROUT Hay and Grain Dealers. 352 24lh St. :; HEAD THE CL.SSIF1ED PAGfci. J When you feel vous, tired, worried or rlrpoDdent it Is a t?y ' 'jgn you need MOTTS NERVERINE . 1 hey renew the normal viror and m.iko life worth liv ing Ho aura und Bck for Mott's Nerverine Pills WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. Propt.. Cleveland. Ohio Badcon Pharmacy, Sole Agents. |