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Show IN POLICE COURT The cape of R. R. Harbertson and J D Ford, charged with disturbing: j the pearp 'by painting the faco of a boy with a red preparation which the lad has had great difficulty In "removing, "re-moving, was postponed In police court this morning, "but will probably bo given a hearing Wednesday morning. morn-ing. M. J. Sullivan and 'William Graham pleaded guilty to tbe charge of 1 dmnkenne-ss and were fined $5 apiece. I William Connollv and John M. Kay ; each forfeited a bond of $5 by not j appearing In court to answer to the charge of having been unlawfully ' drunk. ' Cbnrles Murpby, vbo was anested on November on a charge of dls- ! 'urblng the peace, forfeited a bond of. $10 by his absence from the court room when tho caso was called for trial. The case of Uriah Hde, charged with disturbing the pence, was coi Unved until Wednesday morning. There will bo no session In tb ln.ltce court tomorrow on account of election. |