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Show time or other in their lives seen hoop rollers perforin and many are Inclined Inclin-ed to regurd such exhibitions as a lore, but regardless ot how many hiop rolling acts jou may have witnessed wit-nessed you cannot but feel that you b.ie been missing something In tills line after you witness the work of rtbe Five Alphas. For 2u minutes these clever people keep the stage seemingly seeming-ly alive with hoops and the juggling acts in which all five participate are great. An excellent program of music is lurnlshed by Waterbury Brothers and Trnny. This trio has but recently returned to vaudeville after a long run with the famous Honey Boy minstrels, min-strels, and they certainly must have been no discredit to such a high class aggregation of stars. They play on many different Instruments and there Is a line of comedy worth experiencing. experienc-ing. Miss Jeanette Adler's "company" consists of four Utile pickaninnies, all real little dusky lellows of th-t'eorgla th-t'eorgla variety. Miss Adler and lur quartet of little dancers and singers rroduce a very entertaining act. Grand opera a la one man and one jlrno is heard when Hyman Meyer is Introduced. Mr. Meyer even has chicken that talks aud sings. Of course you don't see the fowl, f.r he keeps her caged up in the plaiu, but you cannot help but recognize her voice. This one man grand opera company is a laugh producer and a clever entertainer. With two good reels of motion pictures pic-tures the Orpheum hill is rounded out Into one of ihe best, and Manager I Goms should consider himself fortu- nate in securing such a bill durlD this week of varied attractions. I THE ORPHEUM. The prediction that this week's bill would bo the most pretentious program pro-gram of vaudeville ever offered at the Orpheum theater was largely true, if lit ii entirely so. There is a variety of entertainment in the bill which. It would neem, should please, the most exacting. This program seems to completely com-pletely cover the repertoire of all vaudeville achievements From all that is clever in the physical the Several acts include the best legitimate legiti-mate forms of vaudeville entertainment entertain-ment up to the finished work of theatrical the-atrical actors In refined comedy Few there arc who have not read or heard of George Hobart's famous Dln-keisplel Dln-keisplel stories, but yuur appreciation of Mr. Hobart's talent will be more Iran doubled after you have witnessed witness-ed the author's own arrangement of "Dinkelsplels Christmas." a highly humorous playlet running half an hour and requiring a cast of five characters. char-acters. This Is the headlliier on this week's offering. In this art our German cousins cous-ins who can understand the mother tongue have us at a disadvantage, for Bernard A. Relnhold. in the role of Delterlch Dlnkclfplel. reels off the German In truw characteristic rapid ity and in his excitement D.dtench doesn't waste time trying lo talk English. En-glish. A detailed description of this interesting in-teresting comedy would require much time and space, but without resorting to Dip reasons therefor, take it for a fact that this act U the means of dlf-lusing dlf-lusing more real comedy than any-tiling any-tiling ?een on the Orpheum stage in OgJeu lor many weeks past. For real rough and tumble acrobat-lr acrobat-lr work none have been seen here who can surpass Lane an.l O'Donnell, Myled "The l.unatle Tumblers." When the clean half of this pair Is not falling from u steplaJder up ninoiuc the flies he la falling headlong Into a box or down among the ruusiclana In the orchestra pit. This act la labeled la-beled "Iroping 'he Bumps." and It received an uproarous ovation from the large audience. Probably ever) body has al some |