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Show LUCAS COMING TO OGDEN 001 William H. Lucas, who lias launched launch-ed a new baseball league to be known n the Union Association of Professional Profes-sional Baseball Clubs, will arrive In Ogden the first of tho -week to make preliminary arrangements relative to the plaelng of a club franchise in this city. He will probably be accompanied ac-companied by L. F. Thlcl, who has been awarded the Salt Lake City franchise. Just who Mr. Lucas expects to Interest In-terest In the new league in this city is not known, but from the fart that the Salt Lake magnate is taking an active part In tho formation of the organization In this section, it Is barely possible that ,Mr. Thlcl may Identify himself with tho movement In Ogden. Mr. Theil has already so-cured so-cured a ten-year lease on a piece .of property in Salt Lake with a view to building a new park ac a home for his club. While in Salt T-ake Mr. Lucas said tr.at he was aware of the fact that the Intei mountain league of 19(9 was not a success. He said that he was too busy engaged with the Northwestern North-western league to attend to It. "We are working on a different system now," he sold. "We have started In plenty of time, have the capital and will run things on a business busi-ness basis. I am going east before the .natlnnul commission meeting this month to attend to the affairs of our league there. I already have the territory and will 8oe that the class of hall played in the Union association associa-tion Is such as to warrant the pat ronnge of eery fan in every city wo huve a club. "The league will play seven days a week. Mr. Tnell has the Salt Lake franchise. John J. McCloskev, who gave Butte, two wiunlng clubs and was manager of the Milwaukee American Am-erican association last year and haa nonaged teams In the major leagues, v-.'ll be in charge at Butte. John F. Flannery will have the Helena club. The other three owners I am not yet ready to announce." One or two rf the local baseball promoters in this city have placed themselves on record as not beln favorably impressed with the idea of a seven days a week schedule, believing be-lieving that the proposition would not 1 a paying one here, but in view of the fact that they hae not yet l'Mard Mr. Lucas' side of the story,, their decision may be overdrawn. Considering the attention which Ogden people pay to other forms of legitimate ."port, it seems strange that the support of these same people peo-ple cannot be enlisted In the cause of baseball. There is no truer barometer ba-rometer or the alive and up to date rttltmle of a city than the Interest shown in the greatest of nil national nation-al pastimes. |