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Show FOR REAL BARGASWS . CONSULT THESE COLUMNS ' P fife - Jfi'Tj - EVERYBODY READS ymf NEW threo-rora frame house In railroad rail-road district, lot 3S feel front with allfy at rear- cement founlKUon and cement lined collar; ck-thes' closet and kitchen cabinet; front and back-porch- electric lights; Inside finish of natural wood. Price $1,200. cash $"50 balance In monthly payments. HUNTER & KENNEDY, 211 First National b'JK' ll-5-3t 10 20, 30 or 40 acres fine fruit land, on Pnnd RMr. term to suit Also ! water la Luvls Wtd.or Counties Canal Can-al company for same. KELLY & HER-lilCK. HER-lilCK. 10-2G-1L FOR SALE t-room hou'-e. pantry and closet. 11.500. A payment down. I'pulnee $11 month, at per cent Interest. In-terest. 1012 22nd street. 11-5-lwk , tit a bargain If sold, at one 328 23th eL 1 1-2-1 vk FOUR-ROOM bouse, closet?, summer kitchen. lUhts and water, on Adams Ave Cheap. Enquire Bell I'hone, 14S.1. lOJl-lwk NEW five room brick house, with basement, all modern; ulso a four-room four-room house, boih at a bargain. Apply I2S 21st. or Bell phone. A2Z Z 11-4-lwk HELP V ANTED. FEMALE. GIRL for general houtowcrk. Applv 541 2Jth sL 11 J-lwk GOOD GIRL for general housework. Reference required. 520 2ith 11-1 lwk GIRL for housework; no washing or ironing. 2322 Jefferson. 10-2S-H GIRL wanted for housework. 2912 Grant. 1019-1 mo OGDEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) CARPETS AND UPHOLSTER-ING. UPHOLSTER-ING. CARPETS denned and laid; linoleum and upholstering work done. Prices reasonable; work guaranteed. Bell phone 1311-Z. 240 30th st. William M. Boyle, 10-29-lmo CIGARS AND TOBACCO. THE DEN Clears and Tobacco. Pipe doctors. 3-36-tf SAXTLAKE & OGDEN ELECTRIC RAILWAY LEAVE OGDEN. C;10 a. p. 7:30 a. m, 9 a. m., 10:31 a. in., 12 noon, 1:30 p. m., 3 p. an., 4:30 p. m , C p. m, 7:30 p. m., 9 p. in., i 10:30 p. uj. I Twelve fast trains each way dally. Call "Bamberger Express" (cither 'phone) for quick and careful service ; In Salt Lako valley. J. F. REARDON. Gen- Sunt UNION DEPOT TIME CARD EFFECTIVE OCT. 16th, 1910. ((Mountain Time.) DENVER & RIO GRANOE R. R. DEPART. 6 Exprosg for tho Et " W iiin. li-lo Salt Lako. S:W a.m. 12 S.ilt Lako 1'jjonjrcr 12:43 a.m. Atlantic Llmltvd, east 2G6p.cn. Atlantic Mall, nasi.. : p m. I S,jrs.nd J miction Kxpravs (.10 p.m. ARRIVE. 9:C'rden Pioir;or 11.23 a.m. 1 Limited from Kast 2:-G p.m. G,Chl-KO Kxprcsi from cant. 3:30 p.m. TiOfrdfn Express 3-.W p m. Jl l.cal from 8u:pet 7.10 pm. T.L'lah and Cfcl. .Lxpress 12.0-0 p.m. UNION PACIFIC R. R. CO. Tr. I I No. f EoHtbounJ. I DfparL 2" Mall and Exprras I ?:M a m. iiKol Mall ft SS a.m. "i Los Anelfs Ltd., 3Jiy.... 1 W p.m. 2 Ovrlan LlmlteJ 2.TQ p.m 4 Atlantic' Exprcis ,. J.M p m. No. AWatbound. Arrive. f. Poe?onciT .-1 5 25 ft.m. J ' "nllfornl.i Eiprfm I 6 45 a m. ? Kail Mall Jll.17 am. 1 Overland LlmltM 3:rt ikitu 1,Ixh ArijoltB Ltd., dally.... 3 S p.m. OREGON SHORT LINE R. R. CO. No. North of Ogden. Dr-part. I'l'ortlanil Exproas 1 15 a.m. 23 Butto Rrpreaf 1.25 H.m. Ml i urilcn-.Malud Motor Cur... I S a m. U Idaho Express S H a.m. JlButte und Portland 3:C0 p m. 31 Cache Valley Pajycng-wr. .. 8.13 p.m. No. North of OgAtn. Arrive. 2 Iiiittn Express 6.2S am. HiTorllaDd Express 9:00 n.m. 11 I'tah Exprfna 9n a.m. 12 Stilt LnWo raM-onger.... ,. in:'i a.m. 4 Salt I-ke Special 3 3-1 p.m. 122 Malad-Ogden Motor Car... 4.&0 p.m No. Bouth of Ocden, Depart. 2iFa.lt Laka Exprers... 7 13 a m. :Z Lvoc.il for Pali L.iko t 30 a.m. H forllojid Express 9.10 a.m. Uifachu Valley Exprt-ss .... li):l a.m. j " 34 lcil 11 :3S a m. I 12 Local MM p m. 4 Salt Lake PpcxMal ,. 4.W p.m. K l.os AdkoIs Ltd., dally 311 p in. :Vlornl 3: y) fm. KlyfT . t 4 P m. rjSalt Luke lyncal, dally..... (!16 p.m. 14 I'tah Expreiw 9 15 p m. 40 Local , i-V p.m. . . No. South of 0-leru Arrive. l'Portlnn' Exprees 12:4r, n.m, 13 P.uttn Expresa l.tOa-m. 31 Atl-nillr Exprens S .(6 a.m. 13 Miiho Exprws 9 CO a.m. 37 Flyer 9.?0 a.m. y.t Liral 11 a.m. 7 Ijt Angeles Limited 12 Cl p.m. 21I.Cfil 2-W p.m. ; Uuttn and Portland 3 3'i p.m. 33; I fir p. I 4.10 p.m. 11 Ciu-lm Valloy Express ... . 6:20 p m. oral C:3) p m 19 Hycr 6:4j p m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. No. W outbound. I Depart. 3 Paclflr Express Gl a.m. : East Mall -. ..II .57 a.m. l.tjverlantl Limited j3"40 p.m. tlpiiciflc xpreK I 4:20 p.m. No. From West. I Arrive. CAttantle Expreaa IG 20 a m. It' I at Mnll I 7 (" a m 2 0vf rlunl IJinlted I 2 In p.m. 4 Atlantic Exrrena 6:15 p.m. Dhlly except Sunday. FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS. NEWLY FKRNISHED ROOMS for gentlemen; bath; furnace heated: 221 2Sth street. 11-7-lwk THli EE KTUNISIIED room. $15.00 Y. 11. Wedell. 11-7-tt THREE ROOMS nicely furnished fr llijbt housckeejilng. 51U 22nd SL 1 1-5-1 wk Fl'RNISHED rooms, modem, 22?.G Grant, 11-4 1 mo. NICELY furnUlied room, also barn. 2-'.'.ii Moff.it avc. 1 1-4-1 wiv FOl'R modern furnished Pionu lor l'jrht housekeeping, IZH 22nd St. 11 -2-lwk ROOMS lor housekeeping, 3o ?. Wash- . inlon Ave. 11-2-JwKs. TWO NEWLY Fl'RNISHED "apartments. "apart-ments. Four rooms each. Strictly modern. Furnace ln.-at. 61S Twenty-fourth Twenty-fourth street. 1 1-1-1 wk FL'RNISHED housekeeping rooms, 3G5 2Stn. 11 1-lwk FOR RENT Elegantly furnlKhe.1 rooms everything new. No. 27.".0 C!rant avenue. t ll-l-lwk ROOMS for gentlemen, modern Boll ?SA 10-111 mo. FOR &ALt f-ilSCSLLAMiiOUS ONE $7." steel range, music cabinet, two fine rugs, Odtermoor mattress, I cheap. Inquire 137 2Cth 11-7-lwk. TWO SADDLE ponies :it Smith's Mat-J Mat-J trcHS Factory 11-7-tC FIFTY grade C'otswold bucks, in good t -ondltfon I.liulsay I jik! & L. S. x Co.. 2ISI Wash. ' 11-7-lwk, NEW Singer Sewing Machine, cheap. 222S Lincoln. 11-7-lwk. LADIES' suit, size 36. cost $10 take $10. Small man'a suit, cwt $.:o.ou, ! take Call Iowa rooms, 23 It'. Wash, j Room S. 11-7-It. I CAVE restaurant; tlolng flno business; j nins dav and night. Owner leaving j city. 2182 1-2 Wash. Ave. 11-5-lwk. I raiXITURE for sale, 239 Pnrry avo. Call at T.t'C Parry. 11-5-lwk YOUNG PIGS. In.l. Phone, Sf.iJM. I 11 -1-lwk ROOMING house, 2506 Lincoln Ave. 1 1-4-1 wk. KLTRMSHED APARTMENT house, will trike small cottage for first p;:vraent, balance eav terms. 365 2Jth street, lnd. 3G33-A. 11-3-lwk S FINE Cots wold rain lambs; also -10 thoroughbred Angora goata .1. S. Read. 11 3 tf WILL sell $350 piano and furniture for $225 each or p:ano alone for $175 2163 Grant. 11-2 lwk HARD coal stove; self-feeder. 2M5 Grant. 11-2 lwk. OLD newspaper matrices, good to put under carpets. l!n your chicken coop and rabbit pens, etc.; a handy thing around tho house. Call at Standard Stand-ard oifice. 10-22-tf PRESS FOR SALE. Drum cylinder CottreM prcs;', with folder. Size of beJ. 33x17 12 Inches. In flr3t class order. PrlnLs six columns, col-umns, four pages, at one time. Cheap for cash Inquire or address the Evening Standard. 7-2-tf FOR SALE Old Uiati. Good to put under carpeU. ico,ulro Standard ofneo. tf FOR RENT. ROOMS AND SOARD. F17RN1SHED front room, down stairs. with board, $22.50 per month. 2671 Monroe ave. 10-24-lmo. ROOMS, board reasonablo 263D Jeff. 10- 18-luio UO0M3 AND BOARD. 2333 Adorns. 2-16 tf BUSINESS" CHANCES I OR SALE Dest littlo restaurant in city: doing fino business; or will sell half Interest or trade for lots or a home. Call 22S1 Washington ave. 1 1- 15-1 wk DRESSMAKING. PLAIN SEWING and dressmaking reasonable. Bell phono 533K; 570 25th. io 22-1 wk , DRESSMAKING. 2256 Wash. 411 lnd. i HELP WANTED. " j MALE. ' j A :LVN of good .address, with first- class references, experienced as a solicitor, may find permanent cmr lament la-ment with the Morning Standard, j Write a letter stating oe, cxjierl-r cxjierl-r nee. previous work, address, etc . and ' leave it at tho Standard oirice. 11-4 tf, GOOD JAPANESE cook wanted. 533 j 26tb. 11-G-lt! a FEW good men wanted at th- sii-gar sii-gar factory. Aply to sunt. f-29-tf I HELP WANTED j MALE OR FEMALE. STUDENT WANTED High school or , business college student to work, j spare time, good proposition to a rustler. Roycroft Letter Shop. L'n- der First National Uank 11-3-tf i FOR SALE OR RENT. " FOR SALE Four-roomed modern house, cheap. 2945 Lincoln avenue, j 10-22 lino ; FOR RENT. UN FURNISH EC) HOUSES. ONE 5-ROOM modern house. Also one 6-rooin modern home with barn. Boll T.06-Y. 1 1-7-1 wk HOUSE FOR RENT, at 2325 Adams avenue. Apply Wlllard Kay, Real Estate. 24S2 1-2 Washington avenue Itotli phones. 1 1-1-1 wk C-ROOM modern brick, 223C Qulncv Dell 149C--Y. 9-30-'tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSES. MODERN four-room house, completely complete-ly furnished, including jdano; rea- soriable. 579 21th. 11-3-tf WANTED TO EUY. A HOUSE and lot . close in. from own-, tr. Inquire 77u Twenty-fourth SL 11-1-lwk CLEAN wd;:o rag at Standard ofllca 1? 17 ' ' FOR SALE ORTR AD E" ! i FOR SALE OR TRADE One f-esh cow, one sow and l'lgs. 1915 Grant. 11-5-lwk WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. "WANTED 10 foot squaro space In store, or room on 2nd flf-or. Address Standard II. 5. 11-7-lwk 322 Twenty-fifth -St. Special Dinner 25 j Lunch from ll a. m. to 4 p. m. i Dinner from 4 to 8 p, m. I t Lee, Foon & Tom, Managers. tii,' r !K ' tr " -f !' ' : " - - ..j.-r-MgiB-MrTxaJA., , CGDEfJ TURF EXCHANGE 226 25tn street. t l: Wires to all tracks on all t . ', Sportinjr Event. f! FRATERNAL SOCLETIES. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Sfffo Lily ClrcM No 174. mi eta evnry iwoond and fourth Morifl.iy nlglil at T.". In I. O O F. HalL Mailing neighbors cordially lnlt.l. TF.NA NELPON, O. N. KAT13 HEY MAN. Clerk Boll Phono n P. O ELKS n. P. O. Kiks." Opdon Lodse N- 71f-lodge 71f-lodge And club roonu second floor -1 U'nAhlncton nvrnuo. Regular meetings every Tuesday evening. C. A. HOYD. Exalted Ruler. C. O. DWOLF. Secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Weber Camp N. 74. meets In K. o P. Hull In tho Utah Natlonul Bunk Bld(. very TrmrdfUy evonlnjc at 8 o'cloclc YliltlriG Woodmen cordially Invited to at-loniL at-loniL W. H DRABBLE, C. C E. AL'TH, Clerk. Flmt National Na-tional Dank bile. ORDER OF OWI-S. Ocden NvmI, No. i:is. ordir of Owls, mi-cts cvry Thursday ovnlng In Kaglex Hall. erut of l'.ued hotel, at S o'clock. VtnltlriK Hrothfr unla tr lnvltod to attend at-tend tho Nent mevtlnsi THOMAS LE8LIE. Prestdcnt-J. Prestdcnt-J. OLIVER. 6cretary, No. 2415 WushlnKion Ave. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. Womon of Woodcraft, Of dsn Circle frSl, meets every Wednesday nlcht at i 30 o clock, K. of V Hnll Vlltln nolch-b:T9 nolch-b:T9 Invited Dues can be paid at tho Ku;un Grocery aiure. the afternooQ or tho ;'JSt.h of each ttnnth ALLV LUDINGTON. O N. . I'ji Ulh SL MARIE CRITES. Clerk. 2731 Monroe Avo KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Offden Lodg No. 2. Kr.ltiitu of Pythl.ta incuts at Castlo hall, Uluh Nntlonul Bank building. oery Monday evening. All K. of P. a requested to meet with ud. A- ETKATT, C. C. W. O. KIND, M of E. W. L. L NDEKW'OOD, K. of R. Si S IMPROVED ORDER OF REDMEN Improved Order uf Redmen, llluwalha Tribe No 3, moets In Eagles Hall, every first and third Mundiy evunlnirn, at 7.J") p. in. YlultlnK chlpfB rordlJly Invited. JAMES MACBETH, Sachem. E. It. UEIC'EK. C of R. A. U. W RIGHT. C. of XV. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE. Loyal Order of Moooc, Ogden Lodgs No. 311. meets every Friday evening at S:t0 p. in.. Eagles Hall. JOS CHEZ D. P. A KOHN. T. It. A. IK VINE. Secretary. ROYAL ARCANUM. Fraternal beneficiary order. Insures men at low rateu. I'.encrvo fund over fix million dollars. Rocky Mountain Council No. $17 convene Ft-cor.d and fourtn Thursdays at I O O F. Hall. 1. A. HKRDT1. lioeent J W. WUTIIEHSI'UOS', Collector. GEO. li. HoliEHTS, Secretary. ROYAL HIGH LANIERS The Koynl HlkChlanOors tnei-t tho flrnt and third lTnd:ys at L'nlon Labor Hall, J03 21th I'treel. liucs c.n be v-uld from 2 to i, offlco of G. W. Oroen. on tho 2Hh of each month. Vlaltlng members cordially cor-dially invluJ DAYHKL D SMITH. I P. ALICE COLLINS. Sec y and Tre.vt. EKOTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YOKMEN. Oftden Homestead No. IKO. meets see-ond see-ond and fourth Wednesday nlghth, (jild Fellows' Hall. Visiting Archers cordially cor-dially Ijvltod to meet with us. W. H -TOLLER. CLj 21bt St.. Foreman. O. E. WILLIAMS. 1W 21t St.. Correspondent. ODD FELLOWS Ogden LodKC No. 6. Independent Order Or-der of Odd Fellows, meets In I. O O. F. Hall, every Tuesday evening. Visiting brothers cordially InvlteJ to be present. SIDNEY BAKER, Noble f.rand. HENRY KISSEL, Secretary. Queen City Rebeknh Lodgn. No. A, I. O. O. ment8 recciiil ami fourth Friday evvnlngs al Odd Felloe ' Jl.alL Vlxltlng members Invited. KATE BAILEY", N. G EMMA. ML1D, Rec. Sec'y. 71S 2Hrd. ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTOR. Wasatch DlvUlon No. 121. O. R. C'., meets tiecond and fourth trldays at 2.3) p. in , In K. of P. Hall, corner Wo.tIi-Inirton Wo.tIi-Inirton avenue nnd m hlrcct. All brothers are cordially lnluJ to utteml GEO. ALLEN. C. C. D. L. UO LE, S and T. MASONIC. Quen Esther Chapter No. A. O. E S. Re'jlur mi-ctlngs held at M.Konlo Hull," on Washington avenue bt(-cii Twenty, llfth und Twenty-rlxth slreuts. the first and third Fridays of euch month. Sojourning So-journing incmbera cordially Invited to attend. MRS KATE SMITHERS. XV. M. LILY V. HALSTEAD. Sec'y. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA. Excelblor Camp No. 32-10 meet every rccond and fourth Monday evrnlm.- of each month at the Enrlcs Hall, v'lslt-Itig v'lslt-Itig members cordially Invited INDIA SAWYER. Oracle. IMS Jackson Ave. LILLIAN NEWTON, Recorder, Room 31, Lewis Block. LADIFS OF THE MACCABEES. Silver Hive No. 1, L. O. T. M . meets every 2nd and -llh Tuesday afternoon at S:M o'clock. In I O ". F. Hull, 2110 Washington Wash-ington avenue. Vltlng members are cordlallv Invited to attend MUS. ADDIF. ANUFXU L. C. MISS L. JENNIE I'lWL'T, R. K. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. Fraternal Order of Eagles, 0-den Aerlo No 111, F. O E , meets every WVdneodiiy evening at Eagle Hall, east of Rcel Hotel Ho-tel at p m. Vlsltlnr Brother Eagles ore Invited to attend tho Acrlo meet- lng3 I. EON BROWNING, XV. President. F R GKIGEIt Secretary. DR. N M- ESTES, Aerlo Physician. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. I luh Cnmn No. l-'1. meets .-very Tuesday Tues-day night at o'clock, at Eagles Hall. Mh St. Visiting members Invited to met Y3A. FAP.R1S. Coun.e, j H. SHAFER. Clerk. Ojjden Business Directory Advertlaemtnu la this column cost 7&c. per line per month, payable la cdvance. ARCHITECTS. P. C. WOODS & CO. let Nafl Bank. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. R s FA RN8 WORTH, Attornoy a Law: 314 and 315 Ecclea building. READ THE CLASSIFIED PAGE. I JlrNK. OGDEN JUNK HOUSE If you have any kind of Junk phono us up; we tv ill call for 1L Bell phono 32G-K; lnd. 725. FOR JUNK OF ANY KIND phono Jacobson. Bell 62S-Z; lnd. 3e95-D 11-16-23 MVSIC. OGDEN CITY MILITARY BAND. MubIc furnished for all occaMons. lnd. 1134 272-1 A. Boll 1205 7 1 tf PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. DR. A. FERNLUND Pbyclclap and Surgeon; office hours. 10 to 12 a. m ; 2 to 4 p. ru.; 340 25th St. Olflco r-hones. Bell 615 K; lnd. 516; resl dence 646 Wat'bL lnd. pbono 02. PLASTERING AND PATCHIITG. AMFS & WRIGHT, 302 Parry Ave, lnd phone 1198. All work pinran-toed. pinran-toed. . 10-2C lmo. ' SANITAR1 -ORK. APPOINTED SCAVENGER of Diet No. 2. all of tbe city south of 24th etroot. Bell Phono 224 Z. Nels McCarty. 610 tf OGDEN SCAVENGER CO.. Paul Van Komen, Prop Pbono Boll 1003. All kind of scavongor work promptly attended to. SECOND HAND GOODS. NEW AND SECOND HAND furniture, clothing and thoos, bought, 60ld or tchanKod; alao trjnka and Buit-cases Buit-cases cheap Bell Phono 1321. 173 1-2 Twenty-fifth BtrooL 7 9-lj r STORAGE. STORAGE space reu3onabJ-. Ocden Wnolesale Grocery Co., 2210 Wall avc. 9-17 tf TAILORS AND CLEANERS. UMOE CLOTHING COMPANY-Sults ready made or niado to order. Cleaning, Clean-ing, pressing and repairing. Phone 645 Bell. 257 Twenty-fourth SL TRANSFER COMPANIES. ALLEN, Baggage Hack and Bus IJn. Eaggnc.0 and passenger transfer a specialty; 412 26th. Both Phones 22. JOGALONG TRANSFER VAN &. Storage Co.. moving vans, nil kin Is transfer work; pianos a specialty. Of fice 32S 1-2 25th SL Phones 2S3. UMBRELLA REPAIRING. UMBRELLA repairing and covering, 92S-2Sth. J. don Hartog. Bell. 671-X; lnd. 433. 9-l-t UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIR. ! ING. K.-VAN KAMPEN. parlor furniture upholsterer. Carpets cleaned, fit-tod fit-tod and laid, work guaranteed. 27C9 Volkor. Both phono 8 8-1 1 it Remember ! Our store number is 2453 'r Washington Ave. Our Tel- ; ephone number is 3S. ;, Our delivery system is j I perfect. ' j ; Our Drup: are the best quality money can buy. It is to your interest not to for-get for-get us when you wuut a pre- 3 6cription filled. i i WM. DRIVERS SON j I DRUG STORE r Ogden 's Best Drug Store. f; 2453 Washington Avo. '', r r rvli,LVv,,;.,,:r.i;.i:i..'rj.,,l IT'S TH - Riverdale Hour : THAT IS THE BEST. Made by the OGDEN MILLING AND ELEVATOR CO. Ogd?n, Utah. READ THE CLASSIFIED PAGE. BETTER MAIL SERVICE I TO THE ANTIPODES FOR SALE Best littlo rcstaurnnt In city; doing fine business; "or will sell half Interest or trade for lots or a borne. Call 2281 Washington ave. 10-2lwk MONEY" TO lqanT MORTGAGES Loans on Improved farm or city property. HUNTER & KENNEDY, 211 First National B!dg. 4-30-tf MONET to l"n on cratches, dla-mondas. dla-mondas. Jewelry, flroarms, etc. Uuclo Sam's Loan Offlcd. established iSSC. The Mou..y Lenders of Ogden; 273 25th SL C. II. SaiRh. Prop, 9-Mtp " LOST. ONE round gold brooch and setting Can only bo described as btdng stones of imny color.-.. Return to Standard of lice. Reward. ll-7-3t LOST LnAy' brooch, set with three diamonds. Return to Carr's drug store. Regard. ll-5-2t Successor to Allen Transfer Co. J. C. SLADE, Prop, VANS, DRAYS, BAGGAGE WAGONS, WAG-ONS, PIANO, FURNITURE AND SAFE MOVING. 408 25th SL Both Phones 321 CHiUHESTftiS PILLS f7i CL .J Hk-lfr-. Llx..Mi Ilrt4Y ftUylf I'lll In H.J i-l CI e-r;.iU. fH VL-1 TdLe mo vlhrr. Ilr of yop - I' - f Urojil.t. Att t- 111 IM-T It U 'V lIAliiD IHM ril l.', t-r r. SOLD BY DRL0GI5TS HIRWKER5 Washington, Nov. 7. Th United States is to have better mall communication com-munication hereafter with New Zealand Zea-land and points in Australia, according accord-ing to a report from Consul General John P. Bray, at Sydney, Australia, announcing the completion of arrance ments for a new bteamshlp service to San Francisco. A boat will leave Auckland, N. cery four weeks. It will connect with a steamsbln from Sydney, leaving leav-ing five days earlier, so that the time of the nw service will be twentv-two twentv-two days froTi New Zealand and twenty-seven days from Sydney. READ THE CLASSIFIED PAGE. |