OCR Text |
Show , 'T,-rtR,fflT,F'IT; ' ' or.nFN THEATER ... 5n,.TMM!lllHIT ItlMtllfi ear- JOHN MASON, in "The Witching Hoar"1 gflggmUllI Only One BROMO QUININE," that Is -VW 9 On Laxative Qromo Quinine jJZ JiJCf box. Cure Cold In One Day, CrlpTn 2 DaysVllr &&JtyjrZrSr 25c Elecfflm9 MwmbeF 9 WW i . . Question 1 Question 2 i Question 3 Question 4 ,t Question 5 I R H ! S T l I I I 8 l y Sha,! Scction 7' Article 13 Shall Section 2, of Article Shall Section 3, of Article Shall Section 1, of Article Shall Section 4,of Article" I fjUbnUB I U In W of ibe Constitution of the Stale 10 of the Constitution of the 10 of the Constitution of the J4 cf fJ,e Corutltulion of the 14 of the Conatttulion of the I AM . be mended to change the rato State be amended to define Su, "ended to define Slae fc,e amended to change State be amended to change H vC '-Ts2rii ot Ux,llon for Su,e purport, what thall constitute the Public in11 contiute the State lhe lm), cf (lie Sude injjj,,. tho Limit of Indebtedness of I 0IXVJCO3' to apportion the State taes and School System? School Fund, and to provide Counties, Cities, Towns and I to create a H.gh School Fund ? for the apportionment of the School Districts? IJ High School Funds? j YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO S i" 2 3 "T" T 6 7 8 9 TTo" 11 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I 18, j PULL TO RIGHT B to ro ro ro rem roi ton 1 ro .' roii ro rot J rxm rot , ron r I TILL BELL RINGS Rp'"""" Ju Sute STATE REPRESENTATIVES cL.r cZ'L Countr Counly Count Count' CouM' County c"'ubl 3X ' 0 J c""" Supreme Court Senator (V.t. f.r .nT 4) wrSil, Clerk Treasurer. A.sc.aor Sheriff Recorder Attorney Surveyor - q q n i i , , q s q q j i rTWl GZZk SMX, CSL GP Xflf 'A 2A 3A ' A A 6A 7A- "A "A 10 A " A' tJA 13 A MA ' ISA 16 A A UA nbSJl " r'": srv; - r4 zzr ZL sr rr- " A ftlB 88 38 48 B B. 7B B B 10 B MB UB 3B "B IS'B 18 B IT B J B I' S. Fe'dinsnd Chsiles C Thomss Ssmuel Arthur E. ' DonsM D. WUIism M Skrrmsn S VV.in.m f i it - .,, , . . - DEMOCRATIC ( . - ' 1 ZZ. V:::.: A ; , VJi'' C:r" v 'C JC 30 . 4C C- ' C ICj C C IOC IIC V 12 c 13 C C HC 16 cT 17 C it c j SOCIALIST ( . v"w"" w'""-' """" ' Mt-M.., m. rL IS .T' LLI . , - , . . f g ) Allen T. John K t ; AMERICAN R s,ft'0,d s"Mt ' ' 1 . . I I 1 I I , CANDIDATES FOR CONSTABLE, OGDEN PRECINCT-Eepublican, Henry E. Stcclo; Democratic, Olcmence H. Martin; Socialist, Hyrum Jenkins. i For Precincll Officers Republican Prccinc! CfSicers nommsit rt. constab.e DcmocraSic Prccmct Officers Edon J. W. Shupe William Ooukl Precinct. Justice. Constable. Farr West Charles (Jroberg Narrisville Horace L. Shurlliff llvrum M Dibb" "arrwville Charles Owens J. J. Ilutzlev 1Iooncr Tl m r, w. . r 3 D "untsvUle William II. Burrows Thomas W. Stoker P S C" klJ,SOn' Jr GcorKe Park ; Kaneaville Samuel Peterson Jam-s Rawson lluntsvillc Joseph L. Petcrseu Merinos Johansen Marriolt T.P.Terry Archibald Stantrer North O-den William Bailey . . ArlmTW; North Ogdeu William B, Jones B. E. Chatelain Wet Weber F V n, PlaJa City William England Joseph Hutchinson ' S DaviJ Hancock , Pleasant View K. T. lihees John Barrett " Riverdalc Joseph Broekbank Eldo liitter .. y Ncphi Hardy Ilarrj Ilnmblin Slaterville James P, Howell l. A, Slafer " Vn Joseph Wayment William Calder .West Weber James 11. McFarland Joseph Herrick '"Wilson B. S. Chandler Wra. II. Holmes STATE OF UTAH,) County of Webe, h COMIlf y ClCrk'S (MSCS , (COUNTY cSKSiE1Ai)hand ff idal 1 hlS 3Ut d&7 f 0ctober' A- D- 1910' 0Q jpfi J vSslfiC County Clerk P ) i J ! |