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Show KLD'SHIETS UNION PACIFIC MOST i ACTIVE STOCK TODAY " .Now York. Nov. 7. Tbe opening dealing in stocks today were light and tho changes generally small, is-I'eclaJiv is-I'eclaJiv In the active stocks. Grains were largely In the majority, ma-jority, but there was a fair distribution distribu-tion of declines. Union Pacific, At ; lantlc Coa6t Line, Southern Railway j preferred, aKnsas City Southern and Dig Four rose 1 point. j Speculative interest centered In . Union Pacific, but that stock reacted I a point and the general Hat did not ' advance. Some of tho leaders sagged ' Binder Saturday's closing. Fresh bidding bid-ding for Union Pacific started another general advance and the whole list sold higher than at the advance and tho whole list sold higher than at the j outside. Union Pacific rose 1 1-S and National Lead 1 point. Profit-taking cancelled most of the rise In Union Pacific and this Induced sales of other stocks. Southern Freight advances bv the Interstate Commerce commission sustained the Southern Railway group Bonds were Irregular. Chicago Livestock. Chicago, Nov. 7. Cattle Receipts estimated at 21.000; market weak and hhade lower Beeves. 4 0a7.fi0; Texas s'eers 3.D5aG.90; western steers 5 10a C.75, stockers and feeders, 4.-0a".50; cows and heifers, 2.26aG40; calves, 7.r,0al0.25. Hog Receipts estimated at 30,000; market 5al0c lower. Light 7.40aS.35; mixed 7.fi.a8.'l5, heavy 7.10aS40; lough. 7.40a7 00. good to choice heavy 7 noa8.40; pigs 7 60a8.23; bulk of sales, , f0aS.?.o. Sheep Receipts estimated at 47.-Oi'O; 47.-Oi'O; market weak and shade lower. 'Native 2.6Oa4.?.0; western 2.65a .10; yearlings. 4.30a5.40; lambs, native. 1.75afi.60. western 4.75a6.51. Omaha Livestock. Omaha, Nov. 7. Cattle Receipts n.900; market slow, steady to easy , Native steers, $4. 757.25: cows and heifers. $3.00f 5.20 ; western steers. ' $3.C5fC.30; range cows and heifers, J2.S5fr4 75; canners. $2 753 50; , stockers and feeders. $3.005.40; j calves $3.755 26; bulls, stags, etc., ; $3 O0T"4 75 I Hogs Rceipls 4,000; market ' C ft 10c. low-er. Heay, $7.C0f?S.00: mixed. $7.757 f0; light. f.13i S.35; , jilgs. $7.2&y8.2C; bulk of sabs. $7.70 ?j7.95. Sheep Receipts 25,000; market steadv Yearlings, $1.50 5 25; wethers. weth-ers. $3.75iTi.lS; ewes, $3.C0i3.CG; . lambs, $6.00ffi5-fi'. Chicago Produce. Chicago. Nov. 7 Butted, steady; creameries, 24a30c; dairies. 23a27e. Eggs, firm; receipts. 2.332; at mark, cases Included. 19 l-2a22 l-2c; firsts, 27; prime firsts, 29c. Cheese-r-Steady ; daisies, 15 l-2a 3 Ic; twins, 14 l-4al-2c; young Amer-leas, Amer-leas, 15 1-4; long horns. 15c. Sugar and Ccffce. New York, Nov. 7 Raw sugar, vteady: Muscovado, SO test. $3.30; centrifugal. 9 test. $3Sti, molasses. 3 teet $3.11. Refined sugar quiet. I f'effeespot firm. No. 7. Rio, 11 j 5-Sc. Santos, No. 4, 12c. ! New York Money. New York, Nov. 7. Closr Prlruo ! percentile paper. 5 1-2 to C per cent. Stirling exchange easv, with actual i bur.'nesR in bankers' bills at H-SloOr i4M75 fr ".o day Mils, and at $4 SSC0 for demand. Commercial bills, $1.81 1-2. Bar 8ller, ! 3-8. Mexican dollars, 47. |