Show Noti notice to water users state engineers office loftice votice louco is hereby given that L goddard whose post osice address is salt lake city IJ atah tali has mado made application in accordance dance with tho the require eats of tho the compiled laws of 1907 as amended by the session laws of utah 1909 to appropriate ten 10 cubic feet aper second of oc water from mill areek davis county utah said water will be diverted at a point which bears north 73 de decrees rees 32 m minutes i west 1460 feet from the mst east quarter corner of section 33 tp irp 2 noah range 1 I east salt make lake base and meridian from where it will be conveyed by means of a pipe line for a distance of approximately feet abid d there used during the period arom january to december inclusive of each year to develop power for the purpose 0 o of electric lighting and propelling in machinery at various cities ad saad towns in utah A atzer f having been so divel diverted ted ind and used tho the water will IWA returned to the natural caiati bel of tho the stream at a point which bears north 57 degrees 17 minutes west feet from the aust aist of section 33 hip 2 north narth range I 1 east salt lake ba baso so and meridian this application is designated lit in the state saito engineers Engi fl office as no 2258 all protests protest against the granting of said application stating batin 0 ahe reasons must ho be raade by alli affidavit davit in du duplicate plicato and filed in this office within thirty 80 30 days after tile the completion i a of the publication of this no aico caleb tanner state engineer date of first publication flon octo bar 1910 ditto data of completion of publication november aa 1910 10 notice Noti cato to batet users state engineers office iSalt jit Lake take cit yu tali oct 20 1010 is hereby given that deslie L D goddard whose post of ficle address is salt lake city ulah has made application in ac uirt dIance with tho the requirements 44 the he compiled laws of utah iwa as amended by the sessions es laws of utah 1909 to appropriate one thousand 1000 aero acre feet of water wrom from mill crook crock davis county ia said water will bo be stored stared whenever available duran during 0 the 1 jp iaci iod broin Januar january ast 1st to do da comber inclusive of each year in a reservoir embraced in section 33 township 2 north ango beast 1 east salt lake baso base and gridlan aner eri idian dlan thu water so stored will be released from said reservoir during the period from may asi to oct estt 1st of each year at it a point which bears north 54 do grees 32 minutes west 1 feet feib trout the mist quarter corner of section 83 township 2 north allange I 1 east beast salt lake baso base an und merl meridian dian and convoyed conveyed by moans means of at a canal for a distance of jeet feet and thero there used to irrigate 2600 acres of laud land embraced in sections Sw tiona 1 19 0 20 29 30 31 und and 32 township 2 north range 1 I cast salt lako lake baso base and meridian tt titis ais application is designated in he state engineers office its ag aso all protests against tile the granting of said application stating tho the reasons must be mado ladeby by affidavit in duplicate arod f ilea filed in this office within 30 days day after tile tho completion 1 df the publication of this notice caleb tanner f state engineer Dati datlof of first publication octo orita 1910 date of completion tvr at publication november aw notice to water users swo engineers office 1 adf oct no SR in hereby given that arge t 0 j mcfarland whose vasto alco 4 1 is pa ille hip utah jaas has aiudi Y bac ac cordasco cor danco dance with tho of tile tho compiled laws of utai 1007 as amended by the session laws of utah 1009 1909 to apar ton ten 10 cuble cubic feet pa second of water from froin dabill dou I 1 creek davis davi 9 county utah sai I 1 water will be diverted lit at a pol point I 1 t which bears north 43 de derees degrees rees 50 minutes east feet from tin the northeast corner of section Is 17 township 2 north range 1 east salt La kobaso and whore ebore it will bo be convoyed conveyed by bv moans of a pipe line for a dh tanco tance of feet and there tharo used during tho the period from january I 1 to december inclusive of it each year to develop power for the purpose of electric lighting and propelling machinery in di vis and suit salt lake counties utah after having been so diverted and used the water will bo be returned to the natural channel of tho the stream at a point which bears north 37 degrees 25 minutes east feet from the west quarter cornor of section 2 north rau range 0 I 1 east salt lake base and meridian this aepli cation is designated in the state engineers office as no all protests against the granting indof of said application stating the reasons must be madu mado by affidavit lt in duplicate and tiled filed in this office within thirty 30 days after tile the completion of oe the publication of this notice caleb Calob tanner Tauner state engineer date of first publication october 1010 dato date of completion of publication november 1910 notice to water users state engineers office offic 0 salt lake city utah octo ber her 0 1910 notice is hereby given that starrett pump and manufacturing company by B P F grant its president whose fica address Is suit salt lake city utah has made application in accordance with the requirements of the compiled laws of utah 0 1907 as amended by the session laws of utah 1009 to appropriate ampro aiato fifty 50 cubic feet per second of water from rom mill crook creek davis county utah said water will be diverted at a point which bears south 72 degrees 17 minutes cast feet feel from northeast corner of section 31 township 2 least salt lako lake base and meridian from where it will bo be conveyed by means of it a canal and pipe lino line for a distance of feet and there used during the period from january ast 1st to december inclusive of each year to develop power for the purpose of electric lighting and propelling machinery in davis and silt salt lake counties utah after having been so diverted and used the water will bo be returned to the natural channel of tile the stream at t a point which hears bears north 80 degrees 13 minutes cast feet from the northeast corner of section 31 township 2 north range I 1 east cast salt lake base and meridian this application is designated in the state engineers oil ice as no 1 all protests against tho the granting of said application stating th tho 0 reasons thero for must bo be made by affidavit in and filed in this s office within thirty 30 days after the completion of of the publication of this notice caleb tanner state engineer date of first publication october 14 11 1910 date of completion 1 of publication november 1910 both speedy and elective effective this indicates the action of offo fo loy ley kidney pills its as S parsons battle crook creek midi mich illustrates 1 I have been afflicted with a so vero case of kidney and bladder trouble for which I 1 found no relief till I 1 used poley foley kidney pills these cured mo ina entirely of till all my ailments I 1 was troubled with bac backaches kitche and severe shooting pains with annoying urinary irregular irregularities irregulars i ties the steady use of fuley foley kidney pills ald me on tirol of all a my former troubles los thoy they have tay ray hi gliot icam tol H kampi n A co wanted I 1 to trade two or three homos tor for country PF pr sporty L U B call ground door no I 1 lo 10 ard 3rd joul 11 8 ailt alt lake t fy y both i hou 6 L F I 1 E OVERT for sale real estate POK FOR SALE 25 acres of laud land 10 acres bearing peaches anil and a mixed family orchard 5 shares of water waler good house and out buildings apply to george H smith Stint li clearfield utah fc for sale bale twenty acres of good land in in syracuse well located 3 k kinds I 1 a d s of if soil especially adapted lor for I 1 seeded and pitted fruit and all kinds hinds of vegetables john A call bountiful ind phone for sale twenty acres ot of land in ili syracuse one anilo anile from meeting house and stores three kinds of soil soil oil for peaches apples and garden in flowing well belt 8 acres in ili lucern 1 acre apples fenced willard villana Villa nl barlow no 3 rear 0 57 west fourth south salt lake bake city or phone bishop barlow ar at capital mercantile co bountiful for sale about 13 acres at af land located oy ay bamberger nam imn berger aberger station at clearfield good house ice lar granary 2 sheds an and a other out buildings about fruit trees plenty shade trees inquire xi 0 roberts D c 1 I phone no 2711 for sale good ranch in malad valley containing t acres of land with all improvements and om estock write or phone bell no 21 W 0 hill malad city idaho idabo for particulars t for sale not quite an acre of land with 13 rods front and seven roomed house choice young fruit trees in bearing allowing wells water in ill house 6 minute walk from oregon short line station frank lit bountiful t 7 for sale bale I 1 have bavo a tine fine horse and cattle ranch twenty miles from card ston within two miles of all proposed rail road lines over tho the united states boundary about fifty per cent good farm land and overy every inch good pasture laud A mile mila of river front and only 1200 an acre easy terms about 2000 1000 1 acres W 0 lee cardston bardston Card ston canada t 17 t 11 f c for sale one four roomed house two acre lot in the center of the town of oe byron wyoming degood small fruit plenty of water wate riat at il 1000 address 4 clipper office betl t FOR BOR SALE forty acres of good farm land in porterville good fron frontage tago good four roomed 1 house joilue now new 88 foot hay shod first class water right also acres of first class grazing mazid 0 land will soil sell separately or together 0 M porter P porterville orter morgan copt county ity utah bell phone 1118 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE fine corner lot excellent location 1 2 1 rooms with pantry closets ete etc largo attic stable bug gy gashed sited coal house etc fruit and shade trees 10 minute car service good frontage on two streets room for two more houses will sell for bosti than value of grounds will trade for very t mail house and very little ground in bountiful centrally lo 10 bated batea and ana with non no cot ages would be an ideal investment as renting proposition apply ly at this office t FOR SALE throe three roomed se with city water sta stables bles outbuildings buildings out 21 2 aero acre city lot in south morgan lot jot planted to lu in parn anil and small fruit 3 shares of ator tor mrs sarah littlefield mor morgan tin utah I 1 FOR SALE two places placed iu in Kays vill ono one tin an aero acre aria and a unit nair i planted to choice fruit loc located abed one olio half block from froin mooting house with fou lour r roomed cottage stable etc othor other place located locate south of old city hall AI m A wilkinson 1211 south ath east EASI st salt lake city t FOR SALE Buil din ng lots lota price from to ISO also 15 acres part lucern a good water right per aero acre inquire of mrs E A mitchell Bount lul 12 2 FOR SALE 80 acres all seeded to wheat fenced with house stable etc water on the place a good bargain price good location arthur stayner malad city idaho idabo for sale miscellaneous FOR SALE seven or ollit eight tons of lucern hay L E burnham woods cross phone 11 18 FOR SALE ono one seated open bugy buggy clarence willey bountiful independent phone FOR SALE good young jer soy say cow richard ashdown bountiful D C I 1 phone t FOR SALE meadow hay le roy fackrell woods cross 1118 11 18 FOR FOR SALE at reasonable price first class first crop lu corr corn hay inquire of J L or mrs E A mitchell Mit chull bountiful ind ina for sale bale small cook stove s small mall heating stove and cookin cooking utensils all for 13 extra flue fine folding bod bed 10 good cupboard 10 dresser eri 1 wash stand 2 center table tine fine ru rug 0 3 set of dishes 0 6 etc james S yates bountiful 1118 II 11 18 FOR SALE young pure bred jersey bull riley brothers bountiful t FOR SALE ono one newspaper folding machine apply to the davis county cli clipper pier bountiful FO SALE all kinds of baled and loose hay bay J 0 wood woods gross cross 12 2 for sale one puro pure bred english shire stallion and several head of work and driving horses enquire or phone riley bros livery st stable a bountiful t for salo cheap surrey with pole S J hart jr r Bount Kul boll bell phone 2511 FOR SALE flito fine pill piano 10 upright grand solid mahogany case magnificent tone half price if taken at once dr young centreville Cen treville utah for sale ono 31 inch mitchall Mit choll wagon good condition wm D knighton ig 1 lit bountiful doll boll 2512 FOR SALE young pigs W walter barlow bountiful t FOR SALE VERY CHEAP glass negatives all sizes suitable for 1 nr hot beds greenhouses chicken coops etc louis 1 photographer ath floor Hoop or er building 25 E I 1 ast 1st st south salt lake city 1511 2 FOR SALE ono horse weight about 1000 pounds will work single or double ana an one cz can wi drive it and light spring wagon also it a nearly new for ii a farm wagon mrs M A grove j block from salt lake 0 ogden den ry station bountiful FOR R SALE ono ong second hand automobile two cows three horses and one disc sulky plow dr String harn bam woods gross cross FOR SALE pio plant roots good red variety black hubbard squash bryant ashby woods c cross r I 1 ss t for sale ono walnut roll top desk con could it not it bo be duplicated for 50 will tako take 25 for it john stable jr at tho the clipper office bountiful for sale 4 one y A 14 wagons wagon good condi tion with or without springs mark bountiful bell phone t Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED A no 1 f fresh jersey jarsey cow apply II 11 jessup 1100 st salt lake city ball 11 18 wanted front from to licad head of horses and cattle to pasture S bavelas jennings farm now owned by mr bamberger Cen centreville treville bell phone t wanted to trade a good od organ for baled hay forgus fergus coalter music Mu sicCo co west wes ast 1st south street salt lako lake city 1118 WANTED stock in any batik bank in davis county or the woods cross or star bannin wining factories hatch realty company woods cross utah wanted teams to work on the dvis davis weber Cona conavies fies canal teams and single hands per hour work to commence eom mence between the and ath of september and continue until cold weather sets in inquire of james G wood hooper R F D no bor by bell phone or of bl M whitesides layton utah bell cliwe WANTED A position as book keeper and stenographer would prefer work in bountiful or nearby town would like steady position but would bo be willing to work part of tho the time in the beginning if not enough work F loon ii brown rown woods cross D c 1 phone axt for rent houses FOR RENT six roomed residence on county road in bountiful iio john stable St aliTe sr at henry W stalinos Sta lilos bountiful t FOR RENT one and j city lots old clipper office locc with 6 shares ot of stozie stone creek water some choice pen peach clies os land suitable for early pot potatoes atnes tomatoes etc john stable jr bountiful t y thanksgiving day rates via VI oregon short line rail hotd on november salo sale and limited to november see agents tor for rates and further particulars 1125 11 25 A household medicine Madi oine to bo be really valuable must show equally good results from f rom each member of tho the family using in 0 it folayan donaj and aad tar does just this whether for children or grown rown parsons para ous po fo leya honey and tar is best and safest for all coughs ils and colds 0 11 rampton co conquering A LA LANGUAGE louis agassiz learned enough english to lecture while crossing the atlantic ocean tho the ileath death of n prof alexander agas last sprint spring calletto called to inina many of 0 tha me incidents connected with the life of 0 lila famous fam fath father the career of the |