Show r go juill leam kraii BARGAIN SALE tho the city artist had tram trailed led over fields and meadows without lulling a cow suitable ault ablo for a model at last he sighted a sad Bad looking animal with shaggy baggy hide bide and protruding ribs however it was the only cow available an and d he be tried to strike a bargain with ita 0 owner how much will you charge to sketch ketch your cow coat he be inquired been charging a dollar and a halt a day drawled the rustic dollar and a halt bull a day I 1 great S scott catt I 1 do dont n it you c consider a it rather d dear ear tor for U c a in model 0 del an aa that the owner stood blood in deep meditation it may be stranger he pondered an yeou look like a decent sort eort ot a chap suppose yeou give me two dollars an yeou can have the whole blamed cadow |