Show T 1 15 BL I 1 j SHOULD think people 1 would know enough t to 0 stay at home on thanks givings any one of 0 sense would linow know families like to be atone alone one i day in the year elizabeth throw threw down the letter she ahe had been reading why elizabeth this oil all about asked her husband 1 I suppose you wont vont think thin ait it Is a anything 7 but it just spoils our day together we going to baa have any one here tomorrow except the family and tow now gertrude allison has hall written that she BOB will bo be out in tho the afternoon here comes don dm perhaps ho he can suggest a way out ot of your troubles said her husband with evident relief I hello fello sla the matter you look BB as black as a thunder cloud I 1 see BOO had a quarrel with tom and the first year too you ought ht to be b ashamed af 6 yourself lf mr leonard dont be silly don hie big slater sister pouted 1 I suppose you will disagree with me lut just as tom did heres a letter from gertrude saying she will be here on thanks giving well sister bister mine may I 1 ask the cause of your displeasure V T the cause I 1 just like a man cant you see either that we want to be alone on that day poor detsyl shall I 1 telegraph only the family wanted others will please stay at homo and T I 1 do stop your nonsense don I 1 suppose I 1 am foolish but I 1 thought wed have bave such a good time together elizabeth sighed about an hour before dinner time the telephone rang and was answered by elizabeth hello who la is it ta 0 gertrude Gertru ae well well old girl are you actually there T glad I 1 guess I 1 am just wait until I 1 get you at arms length coming out to dinner oh ovely lovely and stay all night cant you good you think ill lot let you g go 0 tomorrow youve got to give me week at least wont we have a good time talking over old times but you must stay dont be a minute late goodby oh for heavens sake I 1 do dot asked elizabeth as she ehe hung bung up the receiver with a nervous bang and faced her husband where am I 1 going to put her id like ke to know theres heres nothing to do but make don give up hla his room and go to the hotel and oh ob ill have to c lean clean that room at oncel once its the worst looking place I 1 ever saw half an hour later as don mounted this the stairs Cairs he be was surprised to find his bl 8 special sanctum undergoing an unusual u 8 u process impossible t he exclaimed d dont you dare to come in herel beret h bis is sister commanded certainly not if you dont wish go down and tell nora to auton an extra plate gertrude Is coming to dinner elizabeth added in a tone that left no room for comments and don obeyed speechless for once dinner was ready but there W was as no sign of gertrude lets sit down and eat suggested don the bell rang there she Is now big said don go and give her a sisters welcome 1 I cant understand it said elliar elizar both beth as she returned in a few minutes with an open letter in her hand cant understand what she ahe was asked why heres a special delivery from rom gertrude saying she will not be in the city until tomorrow what does it meant mean she just telephoned me an hour ago that she would he be here to dinner don throw threw up both hands and laughed ila ha ila ha betsy belay detsyl ill bet on betsy every aimel ile he threw himself on the loungo lounge and smothered his face in the pillows stop rolling round that way and tell me what the matter la elizabeth commanded youre a great gurll dut but then women are all alike tell me this instant what you mean don rose from the couch and dropping upon one ona knee before the offended mistress of the house he said sister mine forgive me ma jf if you can but I 1 resist the temptation get cupl up get up I 1 bayl say I 1 do you mean to tell me ma that you played that trick on me betsy you made uch such a fuss fusa about gertrudes coming that I 1 thought id like to see how you would act it if the lady herself should happen to announce such a road mad possibility so I 1 went to the corner telephone and found out donald warnor warner you are a mean thing the mea meanest riest thing on earth barthl 1 his slater sister dropped into a chair and covered her face with her hands poor dear it was a shame a base brickl don admitted contritely as he be patted her lead head and deferred to the faces of the smiling group il but just think sister my room la Is cleaned he whispered for her ear alone |