Show PUTS STOMACHS IN ORDER no indigestion gas sourness or dyspepsia five minutes after taking a LI little atle there should not be a case ot of indulges lion dyspepsia or gas gastritis aritis here if t readers who are subject to stomach trouble knew the tremendous anti ferment and digestive virtue contained in dla dia pepsin this harmless preparation will digest a heavy meal without the slightest fuss or discomfort and relieve the sourest acid stomach in minutes besides foul nauseous odors from the breath it if your stomach to Is sour and full ot of gas or your food digest and your meal dont seem to fit why not get a GO cent case of 0 rapes Dis pepsin from any druggist here la in town and make life worth living absolute relief from stomach misery and perfect digestion of 0 anything you eat Is sure to follow five minutes after and besides ono one fifty cent case Is sufficient to cure a whole family of such trouble surely a harmless inexpensive preparation like rapes which will always either at daytime or during night relieve your sick sour gassy upset stomach and digest your meals Is about as handy and valuable a thing as you could have in the hou house e easy marks talk yore easy baay marks said uncle silas omehaw who had been a week in the city us rubes aint in it with thorn them air geow deown chaps did yew sell em cm enny sold gold bricks silas queried old daddy squash neck naw ilaw I 1 answered uncle silas but I 1 seed a feller peddle artl facial ice heil th sign right on ills bl wagon an blamed ef e th chumps buy it fer er th real thing by bir arasil aw |